We sat down on the floor like little children in our new office. We the people of Baobab Health. It is our thing we are building it together. Every was in it. Everyone took part.
Tay, what can I say.
If I am to work in this place for 10 years what would I like to do. I thought about so many stuff that have hurt me. All the frustrations I have had in my life all the stuff I have seen done in mediocre way which I thought we could do better but wasn't able to do myself. I have never had a chance to say this out. I thought I might as well say it now. It might be that this will be my chance that these problems will now be completely solved. And I might find my joy. For if I don't say it they way I would love it how will I be happy working here? Will I keep on critisizing things I don't give a solution for? So I said it all my dreams, my vision and how I would love it to be. It was emotional and its effects stayed on till now.