Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yet another gift: Global Warming and Climate Change Demystified

This is the knowledge of a standard 7 pupil in Malawi as taught by Kamuzu:
A bare landmass cools down and heats up quickly since the soil absorbs heat and releases it quicker. Other factors that affect the climate of a place are prevailing winds ocean currents and vegetation cover. So when we get to have hurricanes in USA and other areas, consider the quick heating and cooling due to bearing the landmass of vegetation and replacing it with the concrete jungle. Consider the ocean currents with winds laden with moisture, the speeds increased by the quick heating up of the land creating low pressure, consider the sudden quick cooling when the night comes. Just correct formula for formation of a hurricane. It's time the third world taught the first world how to replant vegetation. After all it is said the first shall be the last and the last shall be first.

This is knowledge of any Christian who reads the bible and understands that God created this world. If we start understanding this from Sunday school, it is indeed knowledge of a small child not a professor:
God created the sun, moon, and stars to separate times and seasons. There are commemorations in the bible that are prescribed by God and are dependent on the sun, moon, and stars. Eg, Easter, Moslems have Idi celebrated in October. In our calendars we have always known the dates the winter and summer solstice and the spring and autumn equinoxes. Suppose we look at the dates these celebrations occur. Atleast take a comparison of the periods between these celebrations and the periods between the summer, winter solstices and equinoxes, I am giving a hypothesis that these periods have not changed. But what has changed is our way of measuring time. That is why we find that rains come very earlier or later than we expect them. For our perception of times and seasons have changed.

So when the first world thinks itself wise and forgets God, it finds itself with life problems for life is only given by God and it is God who can understand it better that we ever can. And if we ever thought we were wiser by denying God, to find knowledge, God can give the public encryption key to even small children who acknowledge him, to unlock this already existing knowledge to shame the wise who have prided in their own ignorance in denying God.

When I see the likes of Bingu Wa Mutharika, William Kamkwamba, being wow!ed world over for this same knowledge we malawians have always known and think its not worth the merited awards, its nothing else but that the world does not know what we malawians always known. For the knowledge we have, was given to us all malawians free of charge by Kamuzu. We still have this knowledge among us and its still vast but we are kept down by our inferiority complex. This why our flag today carries a bright full sun. For the world is dark indeed in ignorance.

Aim High.

Happy Birthday, m-hi.org(the blog)!

What can I say? I have made it this far(again). Most of my greatest contribution has been through a period of unemployment. There were things I wanted to achieve a job would not let me. For in office you are required to do what you are told. If you depend on someone else money you are bound to do what the person wants. If you depend on some other media to publicize your truth you are bound to have your truth delayed or rejected. You can only achieve your hearts desire by sticking to your principles even on zero income.

I understood why preachers call them gifts the donations we give them. For they come when they are needed, most of the times without asking for them, and given in love. Gifts I have called them. They have sustained this will to speak.

It is said the internet is free. It is only free to those who use it as long as somebody else is paying. Either you employer or the school you go to or a donor. It is perceived knowledge is free. Of course, you can Google and find anything you want to know. But as long as the internet is not free, no knowledge is free. When you go in and out of the library of your school you may think it will always be available. But get out of school and understand.

Knowledge is not free. When bloggers blog, making their opinions available, whether true or not, you can still get some insight from what they say and apply them in your own life. When I have spoken this much paying for internet connection from whatever little money I found, which I could use somewhere else, it's only to quench the thirst I had to speak these things.

It is given therefore as gift for whom it is of benefit. My initiative from the heart of Mzimba, where I have grown up. Mabuchi-Hara Initiative.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Balancing the Accounts: Fan the Flames

It was a slow process but it paid off. Our national football team has had low points but I notice the team had improved but not the support. How do I help our team? It started, a little campaign in my Facebook. Encouraging friends around me. Friends have friends and would see this encouragement. Putting a positive thought where there was a negative one. The ripple effect of the encouragement passed on from friend to friend until there was enough support to take the flames to Angola which was an achievement to an extent the flames captain decided to retire having achieved this glory.

The success of fan the flames encouraged me to apply the same strategy to calm down friends around me during the introduction of the quota system for university selection, the Sunday debates started by Mzondi Lungu offered a platform to dig out what was within on assurance of God's presence to speak and silence angry voices. I guess it is from here that many wanted to debate like me and passed the ripple effect of the opinion such that the opinion became a popular opinion on which every body was commenting on. Encouraging me to even hide within this opinion like everybody else and expound on what I had said adding more to help calm down and resolve the issue.

I have seen many more emulate my strategy and most have done it better than I ever thought.

I remember at one time I asked mum to knit me a sweater based on a design in a catalog. Mine being her first did not come out the most perfect. But the subsequent ones were much better as the result of her perfecting her skill. I still kept mine. It was all I had. It was also a pride that mine was the first. Is this how pioneers feel?

I guess its my pride I pioneered something in life. Even managed to forge a popular opinion for the sake of peace in our land. To fan the flames of a dying football team.

What else have I done? Some I have done in passing I never knew their value till I saw their appreciation. Of those who have been ungrateful, I could say it's because they have always had me around. Some have learned to do things on their own and better that they need me not. Some have not noticed the difference of my absence yet.

Among them all there are pockets of friends I have not helped much but are sober, appreciative and warm. These I would rather be with, than those who do what I have helped them better and remain unhumble and unappriciative.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Hara Legacy

It comes to my attention time and again how strong this legacy is. Is it this blog, or is it winning first prize in the first Google Barcamp in Malawi (an HTC Legend) or any of the things I have done? But it does seems some people pose as me.

For their own sake and for my sake in case of the damage they may cause. I feel I must put it today on my blog. They are not me.

Anybody who comes to your door in my name would be better reachable by an email @m-hi.org otherwise they are not me and are not related to me. For only me and my relatives carry an email @m-hi.org. All other people without this email, are employed at own risk.

If you do employee someone reachable through an email @m-hi.org you are helping me or one of my relatives. This is because m-hi.org is a privately owned domain and I manage it myself. If you have doubts check with me.

Kondwani C. Hara

Monday, September 20, 2010

Balancing the accounts: m-hi.org the blog

Three years have gone since the birth of this blog. It had plans and goals to achieve. Somewhere along  the way along with just speaking my mind on several issues, I thought it important to comment on issues of national importance. It amazed me how the whole nation could not know about such things and even the public media commenting falsely. I believe it opened eyes somewhere. It might have been among the few voices to encourage the decision makes, make a good ruling on Muluzi's eligibility.

There are articles the series operation bwezani have also had their influence in some places have seen organizations like MACRA,MBS being active on such issues. I remember one time some people demonstrated against unfair charges in banks. I have also seen government buying some shares in Zain on its acquisition by Barti Airtel. I guess then some of my desires to change things have been successful.

I received immediate reaction on my comment on global warming. Almost nobody have connected Global Warming with ground cover until this day. There have been campaigns against green house gases and fossil fuels but replanting vegetation has been an almost forgotten campaign. The rich countries in which Global warming and climate change effects are prominent, does not seem to think about replanting their depleted vegetation which has been replaced by the concrete jungle.

Having observed this, I wrote this article and had immediate effect. The following day, TV Malawi now MBC TV featured a documentary on the influence of vegetation on climate change. I observed a change of word in the campaign from then on. So one sentence did change the mindset of a generation.

There are issues that boil up due to abuse of freedom of speech/expression. Yes with all the freedoms we have we forget our responsibilities as well. The laws that exists are there to so that when we exercise our freedoms we should do so without harming others. For every sin/wrong/illegal thing that we do is in expressing one of our freedoms but most of the times at the expense of others. The bible describes the sexual sin as the only wrong one does against his own body. I observed the media reporting unresponsively one the Kenya issue, on Muluzi's third term bid; I saw a situation in Bangkok die down naturally and a North Korean War prevented with the world's attention diverted toward The World Cup As proof of how sometimes responsibly not exercising our freedom of speech can avoid so much catastrophe.

I saw people in Malawi calm down after being infuriated due to the introduction of the quota system in university selection. I believe my articles on Reasonable Hatred were a major influence. I could go places people speaking my own words even not knowing I was the one who wrote these words. It was humbling even to comment more on the same issue like everybody else is commenting (a popular thought). Amazing, I should say!

I once was mistaken for a big business guru  by MBC TV due to my comment on value-adding. I had just read about the gross domestic product on this day. They asked me to feature on their Business Digest programme but I guess they were put off when i told them I am not employed yet. But this mistake was really an encouragement for I had a thought of giving up even writing such articles for nothing seemed to be bearing fruits.

So here we are accounts balanced after three years of aiming high. I have achieved something. It feels good.