Thursday, March 31, 2011

Solution to The Police/Lecturers Conflict

So here is situation I go to courts to seek justice for a wrong done against me. The court orders me to be locked up. Should I smile at any court? Shall I not ask again where shall I go to seek justice? For the police have also not given me justice. Shall justice be deliberately made a mystery? I shall not want that.

I told a barber today. If I meet a policeman who deliberately teases me I will fight back. I am sure the barber was surprised because he has seen me grow. He has seen the life I have grown. And I am sure it comes as a surprise to him. I am having difficulty to grasp my anger as I write for such an article would really strick such violence against the policeman as I feel also. The police might not find a home to live. For then they are surrounded with such anger as would not be easy for them to live with. Such is anger as I have lived with for all the bad things said against me I that I did not do.

Can police survive with such anger as they are creating among the people? If I were the Inspector General, I would check at this moment the anger the people have against the police. For they are but people who live among other people. For indeed for the wrongs of a few wroten few policemen many innocent may suffer.

I went to seek justice and I was locked up instead.

I called a police, you who maintains peace I am sitting down let none of your friends touch me. He protected me through it all. I rebuked another who was among the police that were making noise at the court house which the court officials might have mistaken it to be me. This one seemed so happy that I rebuked her that she wanted to know where I come from even on the day I was released just to know me. Even begging.

This woman who knew only one verse of the bible called me pastor and I preached to her to an extent she took my bible read all night and forgot at home. I am sure it is a special bible. It is. But it is the Holy Spirit present that taught her all night. That she left my money, my phone and everything else alone but took only the bible. In prison I asked for a happy face to remember for me to remain human not like a thug. I saw face all night that when she told me in the morning she enjoyed reading the bible like never before, I knew she has been reading all night. When ask what her name was she said her name is Kefa. I thought wow! Isn't that Peter's name? She was this day the most respectful woman I have met. She was also very kind. The day before she was different.

Another, in teasing said I should tell a lady beside me that Jesus Loves her. I told him that is what a pastor says, maybe you are a pastor. For I had watched what happened to those I had called names so I kept on calling them names. The next day, he looked at me with much surprise and fear that I wondered what happened to him? I am yet to hear that. And I would love to.

So the police have left a touch with me. A small one 3 watch batteries and a diode bulb. I was given as a gift. The prison wardens also allow me to go in with it. I find someone, he receives and calls me to seat somewhere. He asks me about it, I tell him. I will know when the time comes what to do with it. For this is the only thing I have been allowed to come in with. He scratches a match and lights a cigarette with it. Not his but somebody else. So I am,thinking, I should preach to him by giving him the torch. So I seat there and find that they have a bigger light so probably might not need my little torch. They have laws written all over the blackboard and they obey them. And they are very strick about taking off the shoes. And said strongly so. They pray every day. The called each other names one was the magistrate others were judges, policemen, and so many other names of law enforcement to ensure the prison is a safer place to live in. I said, hoh this day of calling names. This can only happen if God is raising a generation of such as would hold these positions in the future and he has to put them in prison to be kind to fellow prisoners.

I had already called me names few days before after blessing Prophet Bushiri's birthday. And I saw that I required all the names I had called myself to survive this lock up. While I could not sleep, and somebody else was troubling me to get to sleep.

I got tired and responded to him, maybe I am the watchman today. After all I sleep late at home. With my life on, thieves are kept away. And a prophet is like a watch man. So ya, from being a king to watchman. I wondered if I'll be a watchman, a prophet has been called to watch over his people before. A good king also does.

Few minutes later the guy came near where I slept he searched for something in a cartoon but did not find it. He said. Probably, he rebuked himself and knew I would tell the one who had given me a place to sleep if he took anything. After all I had called myself a watchman. I guess after patiently stalking to find me a sleep he will come out and find himself a job as a watchman to start off. That was before I slept.

People could sleep more peacefully if they listened to something peaceful like the word of God. I could not sleep and tried to recite verses but couldn't I asked for happy face and slept up to four o'clock for a morning Islamic prayer.

I asked for rule number one or number 24 on Thursday twenty fourth, to be read the word of God. But there was already a church and a bible drawn on the same bold.

I said shee! Si apostolic anointing ya manga mpingo ku police ndi mu prison? Mwinatu wa prison unamangidwa kale mmene anamanga poyamba wakula kukapezeka ku maula. Koma Nde. Hee ngati wa mu prison umakula choncho Kefa wa ku police yo ayenera ndi mwala wa mphamvu. Kusintha kwakeko, sindinakuone!

Police mumadalira ma tear gas. Ndaponya mwalatu ku police konko Mulungu waupatsa mphamvu. Ndaziona mphamvu nzake! Musintha basi! Ndaona kusintha kwa ma prisoner omwe akuoneka abwino aulemunso kuposa a policewo.

I told a prisoner who wanted me to respect anankhala kale mundendemo. I asked him, do think it would make sense to respect the laws in here if I disrespected those who give them outside? I told a person who wanted me to read the laws on the board. It is better if you don't force me to read them. For I will rebuke you if you break your own law you will hate me for no reason. For those who put me here did so for I rebuked them.

I am just tired of all this and you would do well to leave me alone than force me to read laws which you yourselves will break. You be angry with me for no reason at all. Better I live and leave this place in peace.

By noon the next day. The person who had given me a place to sleep was the inspector general. That's the position he had in prison.

If it is playing parts for resolution of this conflict, I find that the Inspector General showed much kindness by protecting the President who has tried his best but people are unappreative and for a wrong reason do they want to outseat him.

The lecturers are not wise to regard this an issue of academic freedom. If Human rights defenders really sort to help our nation? They would do good to reform the police and use their donated funds better to assist the reformed prisoners.

In such a situation as has been the president, they need to leave him off. After all its not his offence that he is answering from you human rights defenders.

But yes human rights defenders you have a task to do. To reform the police teaching them the rights of the prisoners. For that's the guilt they have against the lecturers.

To the court, don't abuse the law. And you who give the law, be the first to uphold it. You would give better justice to the people.

The anger the police may have against the academia and the rest of the educated people, could be due to all the cursing students do towards the policemen and the rest of the people you curse along the way in the buses. Such are curses as you accumulate upon yourselves for all the innocent people cursed along the way. If God is making corrections, I would consider where things are not moving, there is where corrections is needed.

Each should repent for the wrongs they have done. Whether today or in the past. And when you do repent, you will see better how to proceed in this situation.

Those of you who pray, if you do pray, you will know better what to do, what to respond and what to say.

I hope and pray God would bless Malawi and Give it peace.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Of honors and respect

Here goes an issue of respect.

What is respect? It is the opposite of disrespect. What is rudeness? Is it the same as disrespect? Rudeness can be with or without reason. Rudeness intersects with disrespect in that a person is not given respect.

When you have a diploma and hold a big seat not fit for you, you think you are the best in that place. When somebody comes who seems to know better than you, you think that person is rude.

I shall also demand my respect based on my qualifications, titles, honors due me if I am disrespected by somebody with a diploma.

I say this in such seemingly "rudeness" but it is in truth that if I have a degree and somebody has a diploma and I am treated less than a human being or like a child, I shall demand my respect.

I have been called bwana before. I earned the respect for the job I did even in my youth. It is demeaning to be treated like a houseboy even by a person with a diploma.

What is humanity? What is honorable? To disrespect everybody who comes into your office just because it is your office? I shall not like that but remind him of all the dishonours he has, and the honors he does not have.

Look at the English, the servant always calls a child of their master by the title Mr or Miss however young the child can be. The child is taught to call any grown up, Sir or Madame. Whoever receives such respect, would respond back with humility and respect to whoever is addressing him whoever young or unhonorable.

Cordiality and friendship are maintained. Malawians should re-learn such manners. Who comes into your office is a stranger. Give them respect. For they might be indeed more honourable than you. However small, however their look. Whatever their title.

There are such as who when respected take it on themselves to tease. These deserve a beating. For they have disrespected their honour by doing an unhonorable act against another human being. There are some who demand everybody to kiss their feet even from those with greater honor. To such, it should not come surprise them anymore if somebody younger and simpler does not give them their respect. It is a good beating for them meet somebody small but with greater honor.

You should not expect more no matter how big or respected you are if you do something disrespectful for you will indeed be disrespected by a little nobody. If you are humble, you would accept a rebuke or check you dishonour so that you maintain your respect.

If you are big and disrespectful, a stick called truth will beat you harshly. If it comes from a child it will hurt more. Better check you mistakes. Give respect and honors where due and be humble. That is also salvation for yourselves.

The House of Justice disrespects itself if it does not give justice to those who seek it. The House itself is honorable but the people in it are not.

The president also deserves His respect so do the Inspector General so do the Lecturers and so do I.

The police need to be reformed.