Monday, August 29, 2011

Hello from Alex following the Google Barcamp experience

A complement worth sharing of Malawian Geniuses at this year's Google Barcamp( at Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe.

Here goes:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "AlexS" <>
Date: 29 Aug 2011 10:31
Subject: Hello from Alex following the Google Barcamp experience
To: "AlexS" <>

Hi there,

As promised, I'm sending an email to you.I hope you enjoyed the Google
and Barcamp sponsored event two weeks ago,personally it's been the
highlight of my month so far! As one esteemed colleague said to me
during a break 'I can't believe how many intelligent and smart people
I've come across this weekend in Malawi all in one place!' I have to
agree with this. All of us who attended the conference are lucky to
have been able to be touched an inspired to really get our selves and
our various projects going,after seeing every talk from Aaron about
using Andriod Apps to young Josha and his new Nsima cooker invention.
Remember We are center stage and the time is now.Let's work together
to bring our ideas and technologies to the market place.I hope to keep
in contact with you. All the best in your ITC endeavours for this
month,chat to you soon!

Kind Regards


Friday, August 26, 2011

Healing in the Streams

I have wild theories God has big mysteries.
Isn't the land of Cush Africa? How Blessed for the second river flows into your entire land.

Genesis 2:10-14 NIV

A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

Just been considering my dreams, T.B. Joshua's water and Hydrogen Peroxide in the Water. I am thinking, the balance in T.B. Joshua's composition of H2O2 Wikipedia speculates to have healing properties. It's worth noting.

I don't know why God has allowed to make such a link, but I am sure he has reasons. For there is yet a thousand years of peace in our history before the world ends after that, the devil is released to be for a little while to be condemned into the lake of fire. With it comes new Jerusalem.

I believe, the thousand years are so that men may witness what God intended life on earth would have been like without the devil destroying it.

In the victories that God has made starting with Jesus Christ is the groaning that creation groans waiting for the children of God to be revealed. Such one revelation seems to me Hydrogen Peroxide and the many things it sets free.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Got a little bored staying in Mzimba doing nothing. Thought I could ride to my sister's in Mzuzu in a minibus.

Just as we were approaching Chikangawa, we got blocked ahead by a truck being pulled from an accident spot. Just a head is a pillar written Songwe 375km?

So, what might have happened here? There are many bends, there sign to indicate this seems to be way right near the accident spot. If a road sign was way back, the driver would know to be careful.

So, Songwe 3?? Km near Chikangawa. A curious driver going to mzuzu at night would indeed be surprised because he would think he is already near Songwe when he was going to Mzuzu. So he would reverse his car and look at the sign properly yet he will position his car for the headlights to lit up the sign. Maybe even walk out. To an suspecting truck driver who sees a car wrongly parked in the road which indeed he can hit. So avoiding the car, he will indeed roll over on the other side of the road.

The place has no phone signal, Airtel, at least. I don't know about tnm.

If the accident happened at night, very infrequently do cars and those that do pass, would think it has happened long ago.

The driver who might have stopped, would jump in his car and run away for he is guilty and would not think of telling someone till too late.

I don't know yet if the passengers were ok. There were people around picking up the spilt maize, some pulling the truck off the road.

I  was just passing by.

I have attached a geo tagged picture of the place for those who can fix things like road signs and stuff.

The Libya Dilemna

Mh. So Libyans have fought for their freedom from the outskirts to the capital.

Of course, the sound effects and the bombings makes it an appearance of Libyans fighting for their freedom on TV. The Christians on TV have their way of looking at it: The part of Libya that is under the Libyan Rebels, is the one with majority of Christians.

Mh. We always have our ears towards what the west says. It always sounds gospel truth. Whether its war or freedom or peace. If its western, it sounds good and true.

So the rebel army has finally occupied the Capital. It makes me wonder you know, does that really mean victory? Why did they not occupy the capital then? Aren't they already in Libya? What could be so easy to do by the Libyans themselves?

Oh! I remembered. You can't overthrow a leader or claim victory until the whole country concedes and accepts defeat. The only way history has shown it legally acceptable: a coup d'état.
I wonder what's legal in it anyway? Because the west accepts a coup d'état?

Here is the reaction of the people on the ground. You have destroyed our roads, our schools, our hospitals, our land. Now once you have done rebuilding, get off our land! (middle east speaking, it won't stop. So please just listen and get off).

Why does the west supported rebels not feel victorious? Because, the can't show on tv that they have pointed a gun to Gadaffi's head. What they don't know is that while Gadaffi has been the accepted leader of this land, all that have removed him are still rebels indeed. The blood of the dead, the destruction of the roads and other structures still makes them guilty.

Because look, the masses in the rural don't care about politics whether democratic or what. What they care for, is that they have enough food today, and tomorrow, the children are not sick and have enough food and pocket money to go to school. That's what makes them smile. Which of these who one day have a peaceful afternoon just realise there is bombings outside and their children are dead. Which of these will remember the change of government to be useful? Which of these indeed will forgive the guns that indeed killed their little kids. Do you know?

I have observed how Malawians have reacted on 17th August 2011. Nobody wants such disturbances. Enough is enough!

So indeed. Big Dilemna. So clearly and TV seen by the whole world: guilty. Oil is the motive. Who doesn't know, oh mighty west. Please, put some love in your democratic ways.

Your search for your own freedom you have destroyed a lot of peoples freedoms indeed.

You are strong with big guns and too much money and shoot and buy your way through, but still guilty. Oil.

Look, our African cars are queuing for fuel, and blaming their leaders while you have put a tap on the oil wells you have illegally occupied.

Can we re-define freedom again to what it means? To live freely in your own country, village, home. The degree of freedom, increases inwards but reduces outwards, always! When it does increase outwards its necessarily infringing others' freedoms that is illegal.

To control illegal freedoms there are laws that are at best agreed upon by the neighbours. The whole community does indeed decide at micro-level chose who enforces these laws. The only who can do this best, is the one they have all together trusted to do so.

You may cook up lies and force yourselves to lead but indeed nobody will listen to your judgements though in face they may behave like they are. For you are just not the one they trust to resolve their disagreements. That's all! You are just not their leader. You do not have their trust. Funny huh?