Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Of Professionalism and Favours

I thought over my problems with my previous employers and I got it.
When you employ someone with the attitude you are doing him a favour(ie nobody wants him so let me take him to help him), you become blind to some of his good qualities and to his real needs. Everyday he tries harder to deliver his very best but it does not get appreciated for the empoyers expectation is that the guy can't do a good job anyway. The guy sees all this. In his patience hoping things would get better he stays. But the patience can't stay forever.(God is not going to be patient forever, should a man be?) When the guy speaks his mind the employer thinks of him as ungrateful for he expects the guy not to speak his mind after all that he has already done for the guy.
He is human, he has needs, he notices injustices. Sometimes he speaks the truth he has always kept to himself in respect of the employer, the employer interpretes this as arrogance(he has never spoken like this before he must have gone real bad). He doesn't get helped anyway. He leaves the place with anger and frustration. This is not good for his CV as well. But whats a man to do? He would burst if he kept all his pain inside. How would the employers know his needs if he kept it all inside?
I seem to have been employed by people who were either blind to my good qualities because their employing me was doing me a favour or they saw my good qualities but were bent on abusing or taking advantage of my voicelessness. I really have hurt.
I would love to be treated on merit and not favours as well.