Friday, February 25, 2011

Of Laws and Homosexuality

The government of the United States has declared it would not recognize laws that bar homosexual weddings. While the US takes it upon itself to force such conditions on other lands it should remember that within itself, it gives provision that individual states adopt laws it approves and the laws of one state may not apply in other states and the jurisdiction of the law in a state ends within its boundaries.

So shall we the rest of the world expect the jurisdiction of the laws in United States end within its boundaries. That means the government of the United States shall by no means or force whether in form of sanctions or war expect to enforce its laws on other nations. Such action shall be deemed illegal.

For all ages, the church has had a provision to refuse to marry couples if they do not satisfy certain conditions. This has applied to straight couples and it still applies today. By no means shall this provision be scraped off in favour of the homosexuals whether in United States or anywhere else.

The church shall still have the right to refuse to marry couples whether straight or homosexuals. This is in accordance to marriage acts of many nations who subscribe to the English common law or the Roman which is similar to the American law. This is also in accordance as well to the values of many religions which are protected by the amendments in the bill of rights.

Therefore by no means shall the church be preferentially forced to marry gay couples. And nations shall without fear chose to adopt laws to apply within its boundaries. And the United States or any organization whether international or local shall not expect otherwise to find reason to punish.