Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22: Judgement Passed

They very few people at church today. Left behind? Who knows? God. I don't have anybody missing at home. How about you?

So, here we are passed Judgement day. We dropped many sins, many of us. Are we going back to that which we considered sin and stopped? Somebody read Revelation 4:14-22 at our CYF. A warm church. Are we going to be hot or cold?

If you used to be warm and was hot pending judgement day. It is time to consider being hot. Those things you have considered sin and stopped doing, they are indeed sin as your own conscious has shown you. Time you did considered serious prayers. Starts a relationship with God. Whatever tough your sins to overcome, God says He changes the hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. However serious your sins be, they weigh the same before God. So you might as well go on repentantly pursuing the righteousness of God.

Be anxious on nothing. In everything, with prayers and thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

Rejoice always, again I say Rejoice.