Monday, June 27, 2011

My Thesis

What I have done has been done before. We digressed. But I believe
Berger already knows. There are people who know as well. It should
have resolved sometime ago.
Now I say stop. Love one another. People fight for reasons they don't
understand. If statements are to be made for reconciliation this is
the time. For this is the brother Ishmael and Esau fighting for their
freedom. The freedom which Jacob took away when He store Esaus
birthright. It was meant so while one goes ahead one remains behind to
finish the work of the elder. The brother has been oppressed for long
he wants his freedom. He might not have done right but the superiority
of his young brother is so oppressive that his voice is not being
heard. He has to fight but now the fight has turned into something
else a war out of this world. A war between God and His enemies. Jesus
has already paid the price for the sins of us all human beings. So
that now all human beings can be save. We are commanded to love one
another as Christ has loved us. We are humans all of us and we error
not of our own doing but because of sin due to adams sin. Because of
this sin. We all humans were bound but Jesus Christ paid for all our
sins. Such that we all humans can be saved. The gate to heaven is
narrow there is Jesus on the door. He alone knows who are the enemies
and who are not. That is why we are commanded only to pray:
Our father who are in heaven
Hallowed by thy name
Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For we are his children he knows us though we do not know him. His
kingdom comes to set us free from death because of sin. It is no long
a kingdom of strife and wall but of love. Of comfort from the pain
through all the trials. In his arms we will all be comforted. It
wasn't all our fault but by His grace we will be saved from oppression
of the devil. For all things of this word will pass away. Nothing will
remain a new one will come will streets of gold and and sea of diamond
for thus He says in the bible.
The war is not ours it is God's. Whatever belongs to God to God give.
Whatever belongs to man to give. People have done exploits they
diserve it but it not for us humans to worship one another for even
Jesus when He was on earth He said don't call me good for only God is
good. Even John would have worshipped an angel but the angel said
don't for I am also a servant like you. We humans and angels need to
worship only God. We are all save through the price that Jesus paid.
All the favoured who went ahead went ahead to prepare a place for all
of us so that all of us could be saved. The elder were supposed to be
stronger enduring much while the weaker who went ahead for they were
favoured it is this favour that helped them succeed. The wisdom of
world did not look at them prevent this that is why they succeeded.
This why all of us the young and the old. The first and the last will
find our salvation for the war has already been won. Some of us have
suffered much pain in this walk but God does give rest and comfort.
Love one another. Fight not in the battle you do not know about. God's
love be with you all.
Kondwani C. Hara