Monday, August 29, 2011

Hello from Alex following the Google Barcamp experience

A complement worth sharing of Malawian Geniuses at this year's Google Barcamp( at Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe.

Here goes:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "AlexS" <>
Date: 29 Aug 2011 10:31
Subject: Hello from Alex following the Google Barcamp experience
To: "AlexS" <>

Hi there,

As promised, I'm sending an email to you.I hope you enjoyed the Google
and Barcamp sponsored event two weeks ago,personally it's been the
highlight of my month so far! As one esteemed colleague said to me
during a break 'I can't believe how many intelligent and smart people
I've come across this weekend in Malawi all in one place!' I have to
agree with this. All of us who attended the conference are lucky to
have been able to be touched an inspired to really get our selves and
our various projects going,after seeing every talk from Aaron about
using Andriod Apps to young Josha and his new Nsima cooker invention.
Remember We are center stage and the time is now.Let's work together
to bring our ideas and technologies to the market place.I hope to keep
in contact with you. All the best in your ITC endeavours for this
month,chat to you soon!

Kind Regards
