Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Palm Sized Thesis

Title: Egypt
Author: Kondwani C. Hara
The thesis establishes the reason for the worldwide fuel dry up around the time of Egyptian Violence.
Europe raises fuel prices(BBC and European press). America raises fuel prices(CNN, NYTimes, et al).
Yemen has just had just revolted and ousted their president. Follows Tunisia, and now it was Egypt. Press indicates the violence is intended to go over the rest of Arabic world.
Business decision:
Hold the exports till it is clear the direction of the violence. To avoid making losses.
Fuel prices go up world wide due to low supply, Lilongwe organizes a mini Egypt that does hold for love and violence don't go. It's a week of love(14th-18th Feb). MERA doesn't know why there is little fuel. But then OPEC doesn't know. Who could know Egypt could dry up world fuel?
What goes around comes around.
Archived press reports.
Goes the palm hand thesis. Does it qualify for shortest in Guinness book of records? Let's watch and see.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Faith, Hope and Love

I dead.
Faith moved a mountains off my tomb.
I lived.
For the hope to live another day.
I searched.
For love to find many friends.
Wait till the promise comes to pass.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Beginning and the Essence of the Gospel

There has been a scientific question boggling the minds of scientists concerning the existence of God and creation.

Let me answer that:
The Kingdom of God exist we the lowly see its evidence day and night through all He does for us. You say its all mirth because it is true you have been searching in the wrong direction and not found Him. We searched for Him as well and found Him. How is that?

Let's start from the beginning. Genesis chapter one. It is a story of Beginnings, but the most important and urgent beginning was the beginning of sin. For from such we are captive needing redemption. Never the less, the beginning of all creation is not forgotten.

Genesis 1:1 NIV

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

It just a claim of who created the heavens and the earth. Any lie or untruth about, any contrary claim would be lying wouldn't they?

How he created it, is a question that follows. Believing it or not seems be a choice than a quest for a proof of how is it possible. Nevertheless, it is good to ask questions. In them some have found salvation. The three wise men, found out about Jesus Birth through their search for knowledge. And found him even at the time of his birth. How accurate is that?

What was the state before he started creating it?

Genesis 1:2 NIV

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1:3 - 31 explains the rest. Believing is a choice than a quest for truth. For in understanding anything you do have to accept certain conditions. When you have understood these pre-conditions, it is easier to understand the rest.

You see at this moment the question of God's existence does not arise. It is verse obvious for the person who wrote this in such a declarative non-apologetic manner knew what he was talking about and it had to be said before he can say all that he wanted to say. Where does this doubt of God's existence arise? In the hearts of those who have searched and not found him.

Where is the Kingdom of God?

Deuteronomy 30:12-14 NIV

It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.

Jesus reiterates this as well:

Luke 17:20-21 NIV

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is in your midst."

But He says:

John 3:3 NIV

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."

Why is that? We can now go back to the beginning and read Genesis 2. Because of sin all creation became subject to sin and death. Yet God loves His creation and would want to redeem it. How? By letting them be born again through Jesus. For through Adam, we died, we have to be born again through Jesus.

How can we be born again?

Be born of Water and the Holy Spirit. Don't ask me how effective that is. I have seen it importance but I cannot explain how that should be. For it the work of God to redeem a man. My part would be, to Baptize like John did. To Baptize in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Using water, yes H20 we already know. But it is indeed the same water we baptize with. The rest is the work of the Holy Spirit. And its effect is true and evident to those who believe the Gospel we have preached to them. I have seen people change from just being baptized.

I heard testimonies of those who were healed by just being baptized.

Here is why? When we preach, our intention is to point the peoples attention to God. Who when they are convinced and turn to, they ask Him in repentance, to save them. For their sin becomes evidence to them and their hopelessness about it becomes real and their need to make peace with whom they have displeased.
God now comes in forgiveness and reconciliation to those who have repented. This is only possible within. For one can pretend before the preacher. His eyes are then still in the wrong direction.

His eyes indeed have to be towards God. And His prayer, to be towards Him who can save Him.

The simplest prayer of salvation is, Jesus, save me! For whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Ask Him to Baptize you with the Holy Spirit. For it is the Holy Spirit who is supposed to teach you the rest of the way to your specific salvation. Within you.

You will find yourself liking more and more the things of God. Some of the change within you is evident to yourself. Some of it, you may not notice but others will see the difference. For your faith, they will tell you saw.

How did that happen? The change, the salvation? It's within you. You can explain all that you experienced for its evident to you. Is it possible for others to understand? Of course they have seen the evidence of the change that is why they are wondering. In their frustration to not be able to change like you have and not to know, its the reason for their anger and jealous. In their frustrated search, they conclude God does not exist.

He does, just trust His directions how you can find Him you will find Him. Be born again. Of water and the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Ask of this of your pastor, he will be more delighted to help.

O, I Solve Problems - oisp.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


// Copyright (c) Kondwani C. Hara. All rights reserved.
// e(w):
// e(p):



Why do I write twice, Desiderata? The words are good to remember and Keep.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is
a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not
feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

--- Max Ehrmann, 1927

I will strive to be Happy, Desiderata. After all that's my name.

Rejoice, I say it again, Rejoice.

To whom it may concern: Desiderata

Desiderata, in search for things, I found God. It was God whom I sort thereafter. It was God who started adding these things, I searched, Desiderata.

Who could stop God from adding all these things? Desiderata, none! None, Desiderata!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My comment on Malawi Democrat website

Here is a situation:
The University of Malawi, is composed of 5 constituent colleges. Chancellor College is one of them. Of these only Chancellor College and The Polytechnic joined in the lecturers striking. Bunda debated among themselves, and found the cause not worth striking for. Did not join. The University Council, looked at the matter at hand and made the same conclusion as Bunda. The University Council release a press statement stating their stand on the matter. This can be found in the Daily Times Paper of 31 March 2011. The German Students and Indeed the Amnesty International could request this press statement direct from the University Council itself, from Blantyre News Paper Limited which publishes The Daily Times, ( They could directly contact the parties involved in the conflict and use first hand information which is very accessible indeed.

This issue seems to be politically motivated but some politicians who take advantage of any issue that is likely to start a national rebellion against the government. This lecturer event is not a new one.

On this issue, I should say of all the people who were arrested to stabilize the nation while it was demostrating to present their concerns on the fuel shortage so that people should not turn the even violent as it has been in Egypt which was still on around the time, Dr. Blessings Chisinga happened to be one of them. Does Dr. Blessings Chisinga enjoy special privilege to turn the fuel demonstration violent because he happens to be a lecturer?

The Chancellor College have handled this issue wrongly to interpret it as an issue of academic freedom and be so adamant to boycott classes.

The German students should be concerned about the fellow students who were demonstrating to make the lecturers come back to class.

To Amnesty International: you should consider the fact that the Student's right to education is being violeted by the lecturers refusing to go back to class. You should also consider that this issue is being handled with political motivation which will not help the lecturers nor the students themselves.

It is better resolved leaving government out of it, if anything, the direct parties to contact resolving these issues are first the university council, the lecturers, understand their fears and clear them out.

If anything, the police may be required to compensate for assaulting the lecturer but then it should also compensate for all others arrested over this period.

That would be a lasting solution than going political about it again.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Solution to The Police/Lecturers Conflict

So here is situation I go to courts to seek justice for a wrong done against me. The court orders me to be locked up. Should I smile at any court? Shall I not ask again where shall I go to seek justice? For the police have also not given me justice. Shall justice be deliberately made a mystery? I shall not want that.

I told a barber today. If I meet a policeman who deliberately teases me I will fight back. I am sure the barber was surprised because he has seen me grow. He has seen the life I have grown. And I am sure it comes as a surprise to him. I am having difficulty to grasp my anger as I write for such an article would really strick such violence against the policeman as I feel also. The police might not find a home to live. For then they are surrounded with such anger as would not be easy for them to live with. Such is anger as I have lived with for all the bad things said against me I that I did not do.

Can police survive with such anger as they are creating among the people? If I were the Inspector General, I would check at this moment the anger the people have against the police. For they are but people who live among other people. For indeed for the wrongs of a few wroten few policemen many innocent may suffer.

I went to seek justice and I was locked up instead.

I called a police, you who maintains peace I am sitting down let none of your friends touch me. He protected me through it all. I rebuked another who was among the police that were making noise at the court house which the court officials might have mistaken it to be me. This one seemed so happy that I rebuked her that she wanted to know where I come from even on the day I was released just to know me. Even begging.

This woman who knew only one verse of the bible called me pastor and I preached to her to an extent she took my bible read all night and forgot at home. I am sure it is a special bible. It is. But it is the Holy Spirit present that taught her all night. That she left my money, my phone and everything else alone but took only the bible. In prison I asked for a happy face to remember for me to remain human not like a thug. I saw face all night that when she told me in the morning she enjoyed reading the bible like never before, I knew she has been reading all night. When ask what her name was she said her name is Kefa. I thought wow! Isn't that Peter's name? She was this day the most respectful woman I have met. She was also very kind. The day before she was different.

Another, in teasing said I should tell a lady beside me that Jesus Loves her. I told him that is what a pastor says, maybe you are a pastor. For I had watched what happened to those I had called names so I kept on calling them names. The next day, he looked at me with much surprise and fear that I wondered what happened to him? I am yet to hear that. And I would love to.

So the police have left a touch with me. A small one 3 watch batteries and a diode bulb. I was given as a gift. The prison wardens also allow me to go in with it. I find someone, he receives and calls me to seat somewhere. He asks me about it, I tell him. I will know when the time comes what to do with it. For this is the only thing I have been allowed to come in with. He scratches a match and lights a cigarette with it. Not his but somebody else. So I am,thinking, I should preach to him by giving him the torch. So I seat there and find that they have a bigger light so probably might not need my little torch. They have laws written all over the blackboard and they obey them. And they are very strick about taking off the shoes. And said strongly so. They pray every day. The called each other names one was the magistrate others were judges, policemen, and so many other names of law enforcement to ensure the prison is a safer place to live in. I said, hoh this day of calling names. This can only happen if God is raising a generation of such as would hold these positions in the future and he has to put them in prison to be kind to fellow prisoners.

I had already called me names few days before after blessing Prophet Bushiri's birthday. And I saw that I required all the names I had called myself to survive this lock up. While I could not sleep, and somebody else was troubling me to get to sleep.

I got tired and responded to him, maybe I am the watchman today. After all I sleep late at home. With my life on, thieves are kept away. And a prophet is like a watch man. So ya, from being a king to watchman. I wondered if I'll be a watchman, a prophet has been called to watch over his people before. A good king also does.

Few minutes later the guy came near where I slept he searched for something in a cartoon but did not find it. He said. Probably, he rebuked himself and knew I would tell the one who had given me a place to sleep if he took anything. After all I had called myself a watchman. I guess after patiently stalking to find me a sleep he will come out and find himself a job as a watchman to start off. That was before I slept.

People could sleep more peacefully if they listened to something peaceful like the word of God. I could not sleep and tried to recite verses but couldn't I asked for happy face and slept up to four o'clock for a morning Islamic prayer.

I asked for rule number one or number 24 on Thursday twenty fourth, to be read the word of God. But there was already a church and a bible drawn on the same bold.

I said shee! Si apostolic anointing ya manga mpingo ku police ndi mu prison? Mwinatu wa prison unamangidwa kale mmene anamanga poyamba wakula kukapezeka ku maula. Koma Nde. Hee ngati wa mu prison umakula choncho Kefa wa ku police yo ayenera ndi mwala wa mphamvu. Kusintha kwakeko, sindinakuone!

Police mumadalira ma tear gas. Ndaponya mwalatu ku police konko Mulungu waupatsa mphamvu. Ndaziona mphamvu nzake! Musintha basi! Ndaona kusintha kwa ma prisoner omwe akuoneka abwino aulemunso kuposa a policewo.

I told a prisoner who wanted me to respect anankhala kale mundendemo. I asked him, do think it would make sense to respect the laws in here if I disrespected those who give them outside? I told a person who wanted me to read the laws on the board. It is better if you don't force me to read them. For I will rebuke you if you break your own law you will hate me for no reason. For those who put me here did so for I rebuked them.

I am just tired of all this and you would do well to leave me alone than force me to read laws which you yourselves will break. You be angry with me for no reason at all. Better I live and leave this place in peace.

By noon the next day. The person who had given me a place to sleep was the inspector general. That's the position he had in prison.

If it is playing parts for resolution of this conflict, I find that the Inspector General showed much kindness by protecting the President who has tried his best but people are unappreative and for a wrong reason do they want to outseat him.

The lecturers are not wise to regard this an issue of academic freedom. If Human rights defenders really sort to help our nation? They would do good to reform the police and use their donated funds better to assist the reformed prisoners.

In such a situation as has been the president, they need to leave him off. After all its not his offence that he is answering from you human rights defenders.

But yes human rights defenders you have a task to do. To reform the police teaching them the rights of the prisoners. For that's the guilt they have against the lecturers.

To the court, don't abuse the law. And you who give the law, be the first to uphold it. You would give better justice to the people.

The anger the police may have against the academia and the rest of the educated people, could be due to all the cursing students do towards the policemen and the rest of the people you curse along the way in the buses. Such are curses as you accumulate upon yourselves for all the innocent people cursed along the way. If God is making corrections, I would consider where things are not moving, there is where corrections is needed.

Each should repent for the wrongs they have done. Whether today or in the past. And when you do repent, you will see better how to proceed in this situation.

Those of you who pray, if you do pray, you will know better what to do, what to respond and what to say.

I hope and pray God would bless Malawi and Give it peace.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Of honors and respect

Here goes an issue of respect.

What is respect? It is the opposite of disrespect. What is rudeness? Is it the same as disrespect? Rudeness can be with or without reason. Rudeness intersects with disrespect in that a person is not given respect.

When you have a diploma and hold a big seat not fit for you, you think you are the best in that place. When somebody comes who seems to know better than you, you think that person is rude.

I shall also demand my respect based on my qualifications, titles, honors due me if I am disrespected by somebody with a diploma.

I say this in such seemingly "rudeness" but it is in truth that if I have a degree and somebody has a diploma and I am treated less than a human being or like a child, I shall demand my respect.

I have been called bwana before. I earned the respect for the job I did even in my youth. It is demeaning to be treated like a houseboy even by a person with a diploma.

What is humanity? What is honorable? To disrespect everybody who comes into your office just because it is your office? I shall not like that but remind him of all the dishonours he has, and the honors he does not have.

Look at the English, the servant always calls a child of their master by the title Mr or Miss however young the child can be. The child is taught to call any grown up, Sir or Madame. Whoever receives such respect, would respond back with humility and respect to whoever is addressing him whoever young or unhonorable.

Cordiality and friendship are maintained. Malawians should re-learn such manners. Who comes into your office is a stranger. Give them respect. For they might be indeed more honourable than you. However small, however their look. Whatever their title.

There are such as who when respected take it on themselves to tease. These deserve a beating. For they have disrespected their honour by doing an unhonorable act against another human being. There are some who demand everybody to kiss their feet even from those with greater honor. To such, it should not come surprise them anymore if somebody younger and simpler does not give them their respect. It is a good beating for them meet somebody small but with greater honor.

You should not expect more no matter how big or respected you are if you do something disrespectful for you will indeed be disrespected by a little nobody. If you are humble, you would accept a rebuke or check you dishonour so that you maintain your respect.

If you are big and disrespectful, a stick called truth will beat you harshly. If it comes from a child it will hurt more. Better check you mistakes. Give respect and honors where due and be humble. That is also salvation for yourselves.

The House of Justice disrespects itself if it does not give justice to those who seek it. The House itself is honorable but the people in it are not.

The president also deserves His respect so do the Inspector General so do the Lecturers and so do I.

The police need to be reformed.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


The Malawian Roman Catholic in their yearly pastoral letters commented on the activities of the year 2010.

Since the year was dominated the year, much of the issues covered were political.

Considering the current situation of events, I feel I should comment to break a loop of a series of conflicts that arise from the old issues and the current.

People of Malawi are angry. The government has failed. The demand the government to admit they have failed. If the government does not admit, they will keep on making noise.

Why has the government failed, there is no fuel. But today there is fuel. Maybe tomorrow it will not be there. The government is not folding hands. But indeed it has shown that it is sweating and cracking headaches by increasing the fuel price.

Why has the government failed? Because The First Lady has some responsibilities the vice president has. They are indeed both ladies. And they can share lady activities. The Vice President can't be the AU ambassador while The President is the AU chairperson. Otherwise for activities that need both, would leave Malawi without a leader. The Vice President is supposed to lead when The President is at AU. The first lady who always accompanies the president everywhere he goes, on the basis of being his wife, can't be a stay at home wife while she is capable carrying out responsibilities herself, so indeed responsibilities that the Vice President had while there was no first lady could right be given back to the first lady while she is present.

What does the constitution say regarding the duties of the president? Has the First Lady taken any of these duties? No she hasn't so indeed the first lady has not taken the duties of the Vice President. And the Vice President has not complained about these things.

The only thing she has complained about is the way the media ignores her. For she too has a voice to communicate to the public. The media thinks that her voice is small for she because she is a lady. The media blames the president because the voice of the vice president is small.

Is the media making sense?

How can it say that president has to make her voice bigger? The president has made her vice president. She is big enough. Bigger than any other lady in Malawi. She is the deputy of the President. But the media forgets that. The media sees a woman where the President sees her deputy. The media blames the president because its eyes(the media's eyes) sees a woman.

The media needs to wash its glasses.

It is because of this senseless media that the people of Malawi are angry.

I have to get some sleep now. I should not get a headache from sleeplessness because of the senseless media.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Of Laws and Homosexuality

The government of the United States has declared it would not recognize laws that bar homosexual weddings. While the US takes it upon itself to force such conditions on other lands it should remember that within itself, it gives provision that individual states adopt laws it approves and the laws of one state may not apply in other states and the jurisdiction of the law in a state ends within its boundaries.

So shall we the rest of the world expect the jurisdiction of the laws in United States end within its boundaries. That means the government of the United States shall by no means or force whether in form of sanctions or war expect to enforce its laws on other nations. Such action shall be deemed illegal.

For all ages, the church has had a provision to refuse to marry couples if they do not satisfy certain conditions. This has applied to straight couples and it still applies today. By no means shall this provision be scraped off in favour of the homosexuals whether in United States or anywhere else.

The church shall still have the right to refuse to marry couples whether straight or homosexuals. This is in accordance to marriage acts of many nations who subscribe to the English common law or the Roman which is similar to the American law. This is also in accordance as well to the values of many religions which are protected by the amendments in the bill of rights.

Therefore by no means shall the church be preferentially forced to marry gay couples. And nations shall without fear chose to adopt laws to apply within its boundaries. And the United States or any organization whether international or local shall not expect otherwise to find reason to punish.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Thesis: The Acknowledgment

After doing all I could to find a cryptography topic to write my thesis, I resigned to the wishes of Professor Ryan to write a Coding Theory Thesis on Non-trivial Autimorphisms of Goppa Codes. The cryptography topic suggested by the visiting Professor Schaefer, I had already touched on extensively the previous year while assisting another Masters student, being supervised by Prof. Schaefer, with programming to assist in generating his results. I wanted to write something knew and original.

I sat in the MSc Lab with my abstract with my head blank on what to do with Coding Theory. In my aspirations, I wanted to do a cryptography topic as that would have relevance to my career as a computer scientist for information security. This pursuit highly blinded me from the fact that I had a highest grade in the Coding Theory module than cryptography. I might have worked hard on it so it could give me less trouble possible while I concentrate on the cryptography I have wanted, but it seems this is what encouraged the professor to give me a coding theory topic than a cryptography one. As such I was blank as to what I would do with coding theory in my career.

Time was not on my side, I had to graduate. At Phwezi Boys Secondary School, we had a slogan: Accept the challenge, God will guide. I accepted the topic as a challenge God would guide.

The first night, in the Lab, all I wrote was the acknowledgment. It was fearfully and thoughtfully written so. There were many more I would loved to thank and acknowledge but it was a requirement that it be short as possible. I had to remember.

Emmanuel Chima: when you are old and there is someone younger with some tenets similar to your youth, in being old you sometimes have to make new decisions which you can sure about if you remember how you made decision when you were younger. His life kept me walk on on the right truck with encouragement.

Edmond Kachale: suppose I say the guy crash tested my thesis to the point of breaking it. Shall it please my supervisor that I submit a thesis crash tested by a person with a mere bachelors degree he does not know? I did not forget to acknowledge you.

Archangel Chirwa: When you been regarded as a computer genius and been called lazy, you find that you are still an asset to someone who really wants to learn, it helps you organize your thoughts together which of your actions are laziness which of them are not. When you do share your thoughts about an IT matter you recall what you already know and understand yourself better. His life around me encouraged me to push further to what I really am inspite of the flatteries and discredits. This rebooted the courage to stand on my feet and walk the walk and the talk I have talked in the middle of all the noises in the crowd.

I guess, people might have misunderstood the inclusion of the word "troublesome" and treated me as a very troublesome person indeed. I gave her a lot of trouble with my asthmatic attacks when I was young that she resolved not to hashly treat me as I grew old. She has held me dearly that I wonder if my wife would be able to take me away from her love. She would rather watch me that I am ok all the time. She would stop me from doing many household chores that would be the reason I found myself concentrating much on academics than anything else. That's the only right thing I grew up knowing. Oh, plus the word of God. The Bible has been my best and faithful friend. It never leaves my bedside.

After a tearful and thoughtful night acknowledging people as they deserved, the morning was already come so I went to bed to rest a little bit having just written an acknowledgment for a whole night. And my head was still blank about what to write on in my thesis.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Retweeting Oxfarm and CISANET

So here goes Oxfarm and CISANET:
To serve poor farmers better, deregister ADMARC Ltd; re-enact ADMARC Act or register ADMARC as a Public Trust.

Good cause. Personal preference, re-enact ADMARC Act. Why?

The problem with a public trust is it becomes a separate and private entity that which can compete with other private entities. Is that a small problem? No, real big. What becomes lost is the act governing what ADMARC Act does. So in the field where ADMARC competes, the falls chaos which no Act in the laws of Malawi does not order.

I think we have come to such a chaotic point due to some Acts in the laws of Malawi have been relinquished. Such laws need to be re-enacted at all cost whether the governing bodies have become public trusts or not.

I do believe there is a way of incorporating every one whether a public entity or a private but governed under an Act which orders the operations within that field.

These laws include the Malawi Post and Telecommunications Act. Employment Acts, Professional Services Act. I mention these for these are for these are areas I have directly interface but there are many more acts which really need reviewing.

So there is no substituting the Acts and the establishment of ADMARC or other entities should indeed be a separate decision.

While Oxfarm's cause is good, its channel of communication, is not. Oxfarm would rather find it self in parliament to bring these issues to those who are concerned about them.

The public should not worry about the Oxfarm lobbying for the public has already entrusted some people to worry about such. If anything, Oxfarm could boast about its initiative on their website for accountability, or in their newsletters to donors but should not give ultimatums in the paper and expect an mp to think it up in parliament. Never indeed. For when the mp reads the paper, he does not read it on the capacity as mp unless he is referred to on the issue for his attention. For indeed as human being mp's they get what they have been sent to deliver to parliament.

When Oxfarm later does come and say the government does not listen, they did not hear for who was the message supposed to go to.

When it comes on the page that talks fuel, average mp will not even look at it. The only people who will look at it are farmers who know Oxfarm and are expecting a message from them.

If the people have members of parliament why should not non-governmental organizations have members of parliament whose job is to be in parliament and communicate such issues.

We don't have to hear it from the streets that the ngo's or civil societies want these things changed. It is an unnecessary disturbance that serves no good but destroys much. The streets are for safe pedestrian operation and vehicle commuting not demonstrations about things not communicated. When ngo members of parliament speak they would get the most attentive ear for the wisdom they communicate to the people.

For mp's require such wisdom for the sake of the people they represent.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tomorrow's Malawian Demonstration: The Terms and Conditions.

Tomorrow, some people of Malawi, have organised a demonstration against what they perceive as problems in our land. Some seek publication, some seek to fill their pockets, some to destroy what is destroying their selfishness. They will speak what they find faulty with our current government. Some demands are unreasonable. Some may indeed be words unheard among all the noise and genuine. They might have been unheard for they were speaking through the wrong mouth and with wrong attitude and without respect to the ear that was ready to listen.

The west is good at rushing to punish even from hearsay. I find that before any action against our land of Malawi, if the west wishes to put pressure on the current leadership it shall look at the expressed issues independently and take at the objective look at the issues raised and the facts on the ground. I find that it shall need adequate time to consider the matter and independently investigate the truth of the matters raised. It shall not act for at least after a month to allow for investigation.

Malawi is a democratic country which has two five year terms allowed for each presidential terms. These terms were solely put to limit the time a president can stay in power. To allow or assist the removal of the current president before his term ends would be to bring unnecessary disturbance to the people of Malawi. For already we have to deal with so much unrest during election times which to we Malawians detest. For even in our national anthem, we have always asked God to keep our land in peace.

Malawi has proper of correction if a president is going against the wishes of the people of Malawi who are peace loving and for the sake peace and order have adopted a constitution which gives the guidelines of resolution in such situations.

These procedures have not been followed. And the demonstrators have not tried these proceeders in a proper way.

Not every voice that demonstrates speaks the wishes of Malawi. Not every aid that reaches the land of Malawi with honest intentions. Some indeed come to our land for malicious motives. Because they do have the money to stir up a crowd and bring disturbance, they succeed. We therefore call for peace loving organizations to come to our aid and counter the balance that the foreign malicious organizations may not succeed in their malicious motives.

In the acceptance speech, our first President, His Excellency, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda called for each of us Malawians to hold the responsibility of maintaining peace and calm, law and order as we malawians have always done.

These were the words of one who was considered a dictator as well, but did listen to the voices and wishes of Malawi and did step down.

Those who took over government then with the pressure of foreign organizations, tore apart most of our national resources for their selfish gain leaving the majoring of the people of Malawi who lacked nothing in abject poverty. So much corruption developed amongst many officials, than was accused of Kamuzu's Government. This corruption, the current president has been almost single handedly has worked to curb it.

The introduction of the quotaed university selection system saw most of these who have been trying to protect their ill gained riches through corrupt practices which the current president is trying to curb.

Just days ago on 5-6 February 2011, Malawi commerated an anti-corruption day lead by the current leadership. Last years theme was mainly among religious leadership, this year was for government officials. This was lead by the president himself, His Excellency, Prof. Bingu Wa Mutharika which shows how supporting he is in the fight against corrupt practices.

There has been a letter written by the same group of people who want to incite Vice President Madam Joyce Banda against the current president. In this letter they were trying to implicate her in a conspiracy against her president but it does revel the intentions of those who found opportunity through the demonstration against a quotaed university selection system, but failed, they wanted to take advantage of the fact that Malawi Electoral Commission was closed pending an investigation. It is a difficult situation but like any organization, money is missing, there has to be an investigation and it can be a trap to find fault against the current president so as to find fault to impeach him. Like they have tried to incite Madam Joyce Banda so that her removal from her post could be used against the president who also removed Dr. Cassim Chilumpha who was not the presidents choice of running mate.

These are some of the problems that have arisen because of the people who have illegally acquired riches in the government of Dr. Bakili Muluzi as evidenced by the letter forged to implicate Madam Joyce Banda in a conspiracy against the current president.

These things foreign governments and/or organizations should objectively look at before supporting the demonstration being organized in Lilongwe, inspired by the North African demonstration. Even though the Egyptian demonstrations have succeeded, not all such demonstrations are for the right cause.

We need peace in Malawi than anything else. And We especially don't want a disturbance for all the wrong reasons.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Of Computers and Geniuses

So Garbage In - Garbage Out. The process in between also depends on whether the person sitting behind the monitor hitting the keys on the keyboard was fed garbage or goodies. So in the end it is not the computer that is the genius, but indeed the person behind it.

Does every genius know everything? All babies are born without knowledge. Some learn faster than others, but all do eventually learn. Some learn faster for they have been allowed and encouraged to do so. Some know much than others for that is their only pass time knowing things. Some have to do so for it is a necessity. A matter of life and death. In pushing hard their brains to learn what can be understood by adults alone, they get there. Sometimes God sees the cause and helps with wisdom and knowledge to accomplish such. So there goes genius.

Can I be good in everything as I claim? Test me. But I find that it is of not much use. I will still always do what needs to be done. So I don't burden myself much with the thought of what don't I do. Some have tested me over and over and wore me out. I can't live my life being tested for there is,no end to it. For just when I think I have accomplished more, there is always something that needs to be done. For some time I don't know it, but I do eventually know it sometimes better than those in practice. Sometimes when I think I know much, I find I know too little. So yeah, human and real flesh like everyone else but depended on God very much so even asked to so as He pleases lest I fail to attain that which is priority, salvation to meet him face to face and ask Him questions of things I have not understood yet.

So, accountant, you scored distinction in your degree? Does the computer confuse you with its formulations? It is very likely, the genius behind AccPac was not accountant and was not given the goodies the accountant require lest they become accountants themselves.

When it awed them, they thought the computer can't make mistakes. But these hands have time and again fooled a computer made it do things it never thought it could do fried some RAM, pinged it to death, strangled some viruses, broken some codes, made it walk upside down, you name it, people have done these things. But it does make a foolish mistake.

It can confuse an S with a 5 and die terribly. So it your life did depended on one do really keep a backup of your life somewhere else safer. It does not hurt to hide it in God. That's the safest deposit for after death there is life in Heaven. And when your computer genius making it walk upside down, make sure you don't put a 2 where should be 5 or an S for that matter for somebodies life depends on it and they may not have made a deposit in Heaven yet. So they may die twice because of your playing genius.

Don't get me wrong people are foolish enough to think everything that comes out of a computer is a Goody. Do make sure you put Goodies in it not Garbage. Make sure you put off as much Garbage out of the computer as possible, for a little Garbage multiplied with the Goodies is still Garbage indeed.

Do always try to make Goodies out of Garbage as well. For not all will remember to put away the Garbage.

When you writing AccPac do get a genius accountant to confuse you with questions as well. What comes out will be much better for the average accountant.

I heard someone, we can't make a correction for the computer has said so. I laughed inside and yet hurting as well, for I needed the money the computer had wrongly edited away. And this clerk behind the glass thought himself a genius using a computer to want to call security when I complained. Such is people's foolishness towards computers.

Do make sure the computer does not edit peoples money away for next time, it will edit yours. When it does so, you will be a Bill Gates inverted upside down. This may happen once in a billion. Sure, it does happen. You never know whether the once will be the first or the last of the billion. Such is chance as all computer geniuses know. Even God knows better about chance. He takes care of His children every day so that chance does not find them lacking.

Oops! I lost all this that I have written above. Lucky, I had auto-save that saves even when my editor closes. I hope I won't make it a habit not depend on auto-save. For I might use and editor that does not auto-save and lose a book worth of information. Sorry for the grammatical errors. When spell check tells you to put what you do not mean thinking what you mean is garbage, you forget sometimes and allow it to edit away the Goodies you mean. So do proof read and make comments, ask questions where the grammar tests sour. Sorry about the typos. You know, even spell check does not catch some of them.

Remember God. It is Sunday today. Go and pray. Make a backup of your life in Heaven. Heaven is the only place your life is safe. Spend time with family as well. The computer won't run away. Shut it down just in case. But I assure you, you will find. It doesn't have legs.

When you run a little code on it do find time to play as well. Get a life.

Operation Bwezani: The Final Bwezani.

Just a thought about payrolls, bank loans, grants and savings.

I just talked about payrolls and I am looking at all the advantages and all the disadvantages all over again.

The attitude of product and service providers in our current economic environment leaves much room for appreciation. Customers are regarded as egg laying chickens which could just be slaughtered if they fall sick as a way of reducing losses before they spread the disease to other chickens. That is like the normal of the day. But Human Beings? Human beings deserve much more respect than that. Even the sickest should be taken care of with love to the very day of his death. This is an extreme but it is the reality of the attitude business owners have towards customers. It stinks. And I hate it.

You buy something and you are given something damaged. You complain, they would even want to close the door in your face. The hearts that break! Do you people understand? Do you understand how difficult it is to make ends meet for the lowly people when you move in your prado's gazzling fuel like water?

I saw a tobacco farmer trying this way and that to try to prove his identify that he is indeed who he says he is in order to order to access the information for his tobacco sales. He must have walked for long indeed and maybe has stayed in the depot for long and without food and his relatives might even be worrying if he hasn't been killed by the robbers especially with tobacco money or he has decided to squander money for themselves.

Even this dirty look he has now acquired to access his dear money he has worked so hard for, is really an extra feature to doubt his identify for the money he claims. Why? The auction holdings limited has a state of art security which even locks out even its customers. When customers don't come to claim their money they might even be regarded as defaulters who don't need to be paid. Maybe they have a lot of it. So we might as well gazzle some of it on beers some of it on the sweet ladies at Paris. Some of it on fuel. When they do come we just tell them we closed your account for you did not come to claim it. Stupid.

The customer is outside your gate coming daily to claim his pay and you have locked him out of the money he worked hard for to gazzle some of it on beers and the sweet ladies at Paris and buy some bicycles with it. Of all these losses a human being can make for his own money. None! For it is better to enjoy what one has worked for, even to his death, fortunately they are wiser to save all that they need from the much money they get. But should it be you who claim to encourage savings, lose it all for him? Stupid!

When banks go to government we want to do this and that in order to encourage this good and that and this will bring this much revenue in taxes. The government says yes. Indeed they say yes for all you have told them are advantages but you have not told them that to get that much revenue to the coffers of the government, you will have to lock out customers for their own money. You going to sell some, who don't speak much, the damages and shut the doors in their faces before they can spread the disease to other customers. Stupid!

Government should know this and thoroughly understand the ideas brought before them and even follow up on how customers have received or are viewing the new idea. CAMA should be number one to follow up these. I hope it is not an NGO depending on donors who might want to protect their investments as well.

Government should really speed up the idea of financial independence. We managed then why should we fail now? We depend much on taxes now because we had to stop depending on donors who had to have us sell all our income generating companies which allowed us to have all that we needed provided at our own pace without having to burn out with overwork. With everybody happy buying malawian. We should put our worries where worries need to be, taking care of our sick not filling up the fuel tank.

I should think those who complained most during Kamuzu's time are such as who tore apart all our companies. Than those who lived on this land called Malawi.

If truth be told, I would not be surprised if the procedures of privatizing the companies, the direction they have taken, the wishes upon formation of the companies, clauses in the registration documents to self guard them might render all the privatisation illegal and allow us to claim back for our land Malawi our heritage, which our forefathers built for us for our enjoyment and use. For the sweat they sweated they sweated so that we might not need to sweat as they did. I shall not want to sweat for what our forefathers shed their blood for for our enjoyment just because somebody else has taken it. I shall want back all that is the heritage of the people of Malawi to be returned to Malawi.

The people of Zimbabwe have suffered for the work their government have done to claim back their heritage. I shall not want this work be left to the government alone. But I shall indeed ask our genius lawyers to go into the books and records to fight a brilliant battle and get our heritage back.

This is the final Bwezani I want. If it was said, they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their Testimony, the blood the lamb had already shed, had already bought their heritage back. By the word of their testimony they claimed their heritage back.

Our forefathers have too shed their blood for this our heritage. When asked why do you have to do all this? They did reply, that you my children may have a better life than we lived.

The heritage they built for us the people of Malawi, is not being enjoyed as wished our forefathers.

We shall want to enjoy our heritage as our forefathers wished when they built it whether in the current hands or not and get back all that is illegally taken from, and buy back all that we want to buy back.

Above all we shall appoint to manage our heritage, those we see fit to manage it, following the wishes of our forefathers that in their wisdom crafted laws and procedures that greatly prospered our land to cause so much envy to the foreigners and Judases who tore them apart. We shall have the right to demote those that manage it not according to the wishes of our forefathers as the guidelines and procedures in managing such require.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Of Teachers Payroll

With vast bubble up of private enterprises, every company has to make sales to survive. Some companies in their making sales do force a sale where its not needed.

In implementing IT Solutions, the average problem various manual systems to be resolved, is most likely a logical problem. It is required the logical problem in the manual be solved implementing a computerized solution. Otherwise instead of solving the problem, computerising multiplies the problem and faster.

Garbage In - Garbage Out.

That's the first statement you get in introduction to computer. What people have taken it today, I know not. You realise every body expects only

Goodies In - Goodies Out.

But the truth of matter is both statement exist hand in hand.

If your goal is to multiply Goodies and you put in Garbage, Garbage is what you will get. No computer engineer can make this different.

When I hear about the idea of every teacher requiring a bank account, in order to resolve the ghost workers problem, I find that even the bank account cannot resolve this problem completely but rather make it more tricky. In this era where teachers have limited options to officially change professions, how shall it be traced that a teacher who has stopped working is still receiving salaries. For at least in the manual system, the everyone is sure to get a salary at the school they teach, and the headmaster accounts for each. If one teacher has left, the headmaster can not employ another without the knowledge of the division headquarters. So in the end the ghost worker problem resolves. From time to time, the ministry of education sends inspectors, do they not check and confirm the presence of each teacher physically? Does the goes worker still exist today in the twenty first century? I find that it should not.

While with the birth of the ICT industry, the ghost worker problem was one of the popular problems given as an example of the problems to resolve. If it is an issue of payroll, is it not possible to let the teacher have choice of which account to use? Not all of us would have the same preference of banks. Some of us have been greatly disappointed by some banks and would rather have nothing to with them. Some banks would give, conditions that personally we would not like. While it is possible, to receive and transfer the money to the bank of choice, who shall pay for withdraw charges other banks require? Shall the government foot the bill for such bills? Or are they are letting the banks rip where they have not sown by deducting charges from teachers on withdraw?

I find that a simple government certified voucher would do in this case where already almost every teacher has a personal account whether jointly heard or individual, and the payment voucher written in the name of the teacher, would allow the bank to debit the government and pay the teacher their due while the bank settles everything with the government. The verification protocol at best could use Information and Technology tools for efficiency.

I find the integration of such a solution beautiful and more realistic, offering choice, ease and efficiency in the process (other details not included, of course).

By the way, I don't like the idea of a demand to open the accounts or forfeit payment. Teachers are not prisoners who have to be punished to receive their payment nor children who have to be taught with such conditions.

Some banks would rather you check your balance on the ATM What with the rain? And in some you have to come back several times due to network failures. So the money is mine and I had to sweat for it and should I be locked out from accessing my own money?
While there are levels of security, sometimes it is not the strength of a lock but the cleverness of the protocol.

Of Depression, Anti-depression and Job.

Just walk through of dopamine, its inhibitors and stuff.

Some genius must have dug and found an anti-depressant that inhibits dopamine and the person normalizes. The cry of Eureka! leaves a lot more that need care before some thing can be accepted. The entrepreneurialing science industry has made this a little worse. With non-scientific management who only see money! Profit! Promotion! Yea, science goes down the drain.

So what happens with dopamine inhibition? There are two chemicals: prolactin and dopamine that counteract. One motivates to do action, one resolves the limit of motivation with satisfaction.

Depression occurs with wider range of reasons than demotivation. I do believe secreted with prolactin, should be some hormone of happiness for that is one indication of satisfaction.

A depressed person, while unhappy, he is weighed down by a thought. This thought which can not be resolved by chemicals but another thought or word. The idea of medicating mentally ill persons seems really to come from the idea that a human being is completely chemicals and no soul. The lack of acknowledgment of the soul and the consciousness in science is what has mostly, especially in the field of psychiatry, made psychiatrists to twist this hormone and that to make this chemical react with that and in the end so many imbalances are created that the body itself becomes confused to what it is reacting to.

A person is normally supposed to be happy at a happy thought. If an external chemical is produced where there is no happy thought, to make the body react happy, the body develops a habit of responding to that thought with happiness. Such is confusion twisting chemicals to resolve thought disorders creates.

One does start with depression(I am convinced all depression is resolvable). Normal recovery is a process like Job(Bible). It is a kind of morning that is so deep and should not be interrupted before it matures. Job loses everything in one day(I have spoken this somewhere, if not right here on my blog). He regards all that he has been doing to self-guard all that he has finally lost and is sad. It weakens him to this silence for seven days and on the seventh day does speak starting with a curse of the day he was born and wishes he was dead. These are rightly, signs and symptoms of acute depression any psychiatrist could treat them so. Yet treating them at this level is wrong. Best that they can do, is simulate what the friends of Job did, his talking and reasoning has helped him overcome thoughts that have weighed him down before his loss, and now in his loss to resolve within himself what is it to hold to and to live by for all that the world has said to do to keep all that he has, he has done and still lost everything. Of all his resolutions he does speak now out of this reality against the friends who have seem to not have known this reality and his speech does look controversial to the popular thought of the moment(the fact that a thought is popular does not make it true or right. This is the root of the folly of democracy). But it is what overcomes the thought that outweighs him in the depression.

Here is Job, who has spoken, and all have not agreed with him. At this moment, even though he has held on to his thought, he would fall into rejection of all the friends hold on to even God, if that's what the friends profess while hanging on to the popular thought. Though he might not leave his right judgement of what is right and what is wrong. He does distance himself from anything Godly. It takes the fourth who has listened and put all thoughts in right perspective. It brings all reality in perspective and resolves Job's own innocence which now brings the right kind of happiness into his thought.

Now God even now does come. But even them though God does come anger, Job is seeing God and is smiling not even listening(I think) to the fact that God is angry, but he is seeing whom he has loved and longed to meet. It becomes enough to just see him.

Such is happiness uncontrollable. Laughter that rocks your heart out that you can laugh from morning to evening without being quenched.

Unfortunately such laughter psychiatrists don't approve as well. Iiih, zawo zimenezo!

But I think they need it. It is good medicine for the soul. For their souls have been dead from being ignored. It can really revive their spirits enough to treat their patients with love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In Personal Pockets

I found several situations which should not be and could rightly called corruption and treated like that.

You go to a police station, you find every police has a prisoner of people he caught on duty, in his pocket. When prisoners come in, they can't be helped or dealt with by other people but him.

The standard procedure should be when he gets prisoners in, he should take a statement of each individual and give his report so that when someone else comes on duty should be able to follow up on each person so that those who have no crime can be realised as soon as possible. Those who have commuted a crime, they should have a hearing as soon as possible, and convicted (or vindicated if innocent) and given the appropriate penalty. Why it might be true that one may have committed a crime, the punishment may be too small than the policeman could personally judge, or too grave as well. There was a situation at one time more than half or if not all of the people in a police holding cell, were had statements taken, and it seemed all were really innocent. One guy had just been realised and was found by a certain policeman and put back in prison for looking dirty and unkempt. One young boy about 11 or 12 was left for more than one week for picking five hundred kwacha during a wedding ceremony. The judgement he was given, he would come out of prison when the new couple breaks up. What kind of judgement is that? If that boy does pray to God for help does God break up what he has joined together to release a young boy who does not know what to do and has been given too grave a punishment? What if the boy gets abused in prison and contracts hiv or indeed gets tb infection or some other infection. Shall God punish the couple? Better the wrongly judging policemen.

This other guy sold a cellphone to somebody and was not paid, the police arrested the guy who was not paid leaving the guy who took the cellphone walk free. Isn't that crazy? What kind of justice is that?

Another guy had a cheating wife who falsely reported him to the police to have committed a crime so that he could go on with the other guy. And his case was not heard or contested.

All these are some of the examples of cases that were in police holding cell some for several weeks some not having contacted an relatives who might even have been thought missing. Probably they even had been reported to the same police but because the policemen had not taken statements, who could know the were right within the police while the same police were busy looking every corner of the town, even accused the guardians of not taking care of their children well. I said stupid! No more.

Does the respondent become the boss not the complainant? Unless this attitude changes would real justice be even before going to courts. The one who brings a complaint should be the boss whether poor or rich whether with a big title or not. That will prevent from the one who wasn't paid from being put in the cell other than the one who failed.

Are really the police the law? No they are not. Nor are the lawyers, the courts or judges. The law is in pile of books. The policemen are not, and have never been the law, nor should ever be. Otherwise they will self-righteously put prisoners in their pockets and give them unreasonable punishments.

Another office that puts goodies in their pockets which should be available to everyone: Malawi Housing Corporation. Should an MHC agent charge extra on the houses he overlooks if at all it is his responsibility? He already has a prescribed salary deemed to be enough for his position. No agent should keep houses in his pockets.

There is a clause as well in Malawi Housing Corporation tenancy agreement which restricts under-letting. It is not proper for houses to exchange tenants outside the MHC office. Otherwise that is the reason why those on the waiting list don't get houses. Let everyone honor the under letting clause which say requires MHC attention if the house is changing tenants. Let MHC give the houses on first come first serve basis. Otherwise, where do we find houses?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Thesis

Why must I put it here? It answers some questions of what is me today.
There was a time I fought something but it was too big for me. The casualty from there took me long to recover and most of the knowledge I got is what helped me overcome. The story of how I overcame should have been my thesis but I had to put something academic for my degree work to be appreciated.

I have always wanted to do cryptography other than coding theory as I felt cryptography was better relevant to my computer science carrier than coding theory. As it has direct application in terms information security.

Where do I start is always a difficult question. For I might have to from the beginning or jump in the middle or at the end and refer to all issues at random. I hope I will manage what I need to say.