Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Strength in Weakness

Can man manage to keep himself strong?
The strongest man cannot manage to keep themselves strong enough.
Samson had his Delilah, Achilles had his achilles's heal, Solomon had his pride. So many others even me.
Can one manage to hide his weaknesses? Can one manage to keep secrets?
One way or the other the fear that his secrets will be known will haunt him so much that he will reveal them even without knowing that he is revealing.
Just that mare fact that one is trying so hard to hide his secrets raises so much curiosity that his need for secrecy escalates indefinitely.
Even the best cryptosystem has a very fatal foolish weakness. The very fatal viruses have equally fatal weaknesses. Your very strength is your very weakness since that whats others will keep trying to fight at to take you down and some will not give up until they find a hole.
How can one be strong enough? How can secure himself enough?
The foolishness of God is wiser than men the weakness of God is stronger than men. For you see brethren that not many wise according according to flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who become for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctified and redemption - that as it written, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."
NKJV, 1 Corinthians 1:25-31.
Here is how our foolishness tells us. Lets keep the bad things we do in the dark for these things bring the work of God down. We say we can't attract other people to God if they see our bad works. However hard we try to hide them these bad things stink so much that they repel those who would have been saved because we seem so strong to be like us. Furthermore, what shall it profit a man to "save" the whole world and lose his own soul by hiding his sin? Leaders are in so much danger regarding this than mare Christians.
There is no denying that we are weak. Paul admitted His weakness before God. God assured Him that in our weakness is when God grace becomes sufficient:
In God's strength alone is where we are strong.
In Jesus alone are we saved.
In truth alone we find safety.
What we try so hard to keep we lose. What God gives no man can take away. We lose what God has given us by trying to keep it. How do we get what God has promised us? Is it in our strength? It comes at a time we don't expect. There are times we even refuse it but it comes with blessings. God's love is this great that He knows His gift is often refused and often despised yet He so cares that He doesn't even care about the destruction of His Son who should be in Heaven for sure but has to send Him to hell to set these people free who were not strong enough to fight the oppression and the lies to be set free.
They did not see Him as a father who has to care his family and give them good things. Nor did they see the Holy Spirit as Mother who grieves so much for His child. They did not see Jesus as the child who loved so much His gift, His lovely wife.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Matthew 13:24-30 Consideration

Tiligu <=/=> Nansogole


Tiligu || Nansongole

mwina muchichewa 

Tiligu sangakhale nansongole ndinso Nansongole sangakhale Tiligu

Tsano m'mene ati "ukawona anzako atong'ola maso nawe utong'ole ako nukazinge"
Mudziwa bwanji atong'ola masowo ndi nansongole inu muli tiligu? Kodi akamazabwera okolola sadzakuwonani ngati nansongole nakuponyani ku moto?
Mudzikoli ndithu tidzafera zaeni.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

On PHP and Programming

Just gave a my first PHP tutorial today at Mzuzu University to the Mzuni ICT Club .
Well, it was kind of a challenge to cover all the levels from year one who have few or no knowledge of Programming to the third year who want the advanced stuff to use in their course projects. Learned to involve the students though. And it was so much fun that I forgot the time and I had to be reminded that time is up.
It is my hope for the first years that this will have stirred up the passion for programming i.e. to find out more and not to look at it as difficult and a waste of time.
Computer programming helps solve a lot of problems in computing environments.
A few skills acquired early could be helpful: Somebody said the toughest job in programming is debugging. The clearer you write you code the easier it is to debug. Stuff like indenting which most of my classmates thought as a waste of time proved to be the most valuable time saver even to them later when they saw how easy it was to understand the code which is indented.
The other trick that helps understanding the code is the appropriate use of identifiers.
To them that attended the tutorial I would say best of luck.
A few links that could help further the knowledge of PHP:
If something seems difficult, do the simpler stuff. It will improve your understanding and confidence.
I am always available for questions and directions. It aslo helps to remember that Google will also always be available with ready solutions. So my advice improve on searching skills as well.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Violence in South Africa

Wikipedia rightly says:
The history of South Africa is marked by migration, ethnic conflict, and the anti-Apartheid struggle.
I was thinking what's wrong with South Africa? Started with the mfecane, when some ngonis had to leave South Africa. Then apartheid and the struggle against it. It had seen new dawn in form of Mandela. I think it was blessed then. Now the xenophobia thing.
Somehow I think the land still needs healing from all the violence that has been on it. Around 2000 there was Transformation Africa started in South Africa with the theme:
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
I think their focus change somehow to getting the whole world pray... not a bad thing but maybe they needed to carry the same theme to the world. Each land pray for it healing.
If we remember why it all started if we could take this theme again and pray for healing of the land from the violence and the hatred that has been in the land. If we preach forgiveness and tolerance as Mandela did.
For how can we break this hatred and violence is it not when we let go? If we forget all that has been done to us and forgive?
It is not only South Africa that needs healing: look at Zimbabwe, even my own country Malawi; Our parliament is stalled. There is looming hunger which might have been caused by some ill thinking people.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
We have this promise all we need is humble ourselves and pray....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yet another combinations algorithm

I have found this cool algorithm for calculating combinations(nCr). The conventional algorithm is like this

and this is O(n3). as calculating each of the factorials is at least O(n)
The following is my new algorithm that saves memory and also running time written in C++:

long int choose(int n,int r){
//double ensures that precession is preserved
//when dividing as int rounds up the dividend in C++

double num,den,comb=1;

if (n == 0 || n == r){
return 1;
for (i=0; i<r || i<(n-r) ; i++){
num = double(n-i);
den = double(i+1);
comb *= num/den;
return comb;

This is O(n) because of the for loop.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Send SMS with Celtel at One cent only

I have been thinking why are services in Malawi so expensive? Is it really because they are expensive to provide?
No, I do not think so! An excuse would be: we have ignorant engineers. But the problem really is taking advantage of the fact that they are the only providers of those services. And if a potential competator comes in he does not come in to correct this problem he too comes and charges the same prices as already available service providers... so monopoly and no monopoly there is no difference.
Take a look at this contradiction:
I am subscribed to Celtel. I use two services Internet and SMS. I want to send a text messege to my girlfriend in Mzimba. Normal SMS I use $0.10. But I am subscribed to a free internet SMS service. I go to the site, login, type my message(All using my phone through WAP) send it. How have I used? $0.01
OK fine I am not saying the Celtel internet service is cheaper than normal probably somewhere else its cheaper that here in malawi. But SMS services this expensive?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Kibaki and Odinga(not the viruses)

Too much talk by the press. By the press, by the mediators, by everybody.

They are all acting like “bvundula-madzi” (some one who stirs water on a well so that when other people come to get some water they find the well dirty and think it is their friends who stirred the water and creates enmity).

I could say of a story of two good lovers Alice and Bob to illustrate what I mean. They were inseparable everybody envied them. For one such people Eve was it was too much for her that these two friends could each other so. She decided to separate the two. She went to Alice and said Bob was cheating on her when they are not together and Eve wasn’t supposed to tell but she is telling because she loves Alice so much to hide this information from her. She suggests Alice just leave Bob and find somebody else who would appreciate her. Alice says “Thanks for letting me know. You are a true friend.”

Eve says “I could even help you find a good boy friend. I know Charlie is good christian boy and he is filthy rich not that pathetic Bob who could have guts to take your love for granted and cheat on you. You said yourself He was in love with you why don’t you give him a chance?”

Alice says “I know what you are do when I am not there”.

Bob is puzzled wants to say something but Alice is all knowing cause she trusts what Eve said and she cuts him in the middle and says “I am breaking up with you. Don’t talk to me again you liar! Cheat! Coward!” etc, etc, and storms off leaving Bob and Eve alone. She doesn’t care anymore but she so earnest and innocent she believes what Eve said was true. And she even cries as she storms off

Bob says to Eve “What’s wrong with that girl?”

Eve has an opportunity now “Open your eyes, boy. When a girl does that with no reason at all she has probably found another boyfriend trying to find a reason to break-up with you and putting on the blame on you so that it is easier”.

Reasonable. Bob thinks.

“Just wait a few days you will see what happens”. Eve says as she goes smiling to herself task one accomplished.

Alice goes and tells the Eve story to Charlie crying and says “I am sorry for I did not give you a chance but now I am willing if you still love me. It’s just that I was so blinded by my love for Bob that I did not see the better side of you.”

The next day Bob was supposed to meet Alice at their favourite park. Alice goes there with Charlie. And Bob meets them Alice ignores Bob looking at him as trash holding Charlie’s hand to make it obvious she is now Charlie’s girl. Bob stands there mouth open. Eve passing by says to Bob “You see?” Smiles as she goes: mission accomplished.

When there are too many mediators and too many words said and these said to each party separately, instead of reconciling them they might be taken further apart. An example would be how Muluzi and Bingu were broken up. These people were hearing only what the press said which was always exaggerated a simple matter(to make news) that could be resolved if these two could sit down and understand each other.

The press catches a phrase that one says and broadcasts without the context in which it was said. And this is usually said after the reporter has trapped the person to make him say what they want him to say. This repeated so many times makes people see whoever said it Bad or Good according to what the reporter wanted to accomplish because repeated so many times people forget what context they were said and the words start meaning something else. In other words the reporter has that power to build and break with the words they say. And sometimes they have good intentions but saying so many things and repeating them so many times worsens instead of making better. Proverbs 10:19 say “In a multitude of words there lacks not the presence of sin, but he who refrains his lips is wise”.

In Kibaki and Odinga’s case The BBC phrase says “Kibaki says is ready for government of national unity, but Odinga warily refuses” This is repeated so many times and usually in absence of what Odinga says that he has been through this before a government of national unity doesn’t really help (I am sure this was the case previously). It’s like he has tried to be tolerant with Kibaki for peace’ sake but his tolerance hasn’t made things better and the solution which he has been patiently waiting has been unfairly run in favour of Kibaki. The phrase seems to have been carefully said to make Odinga bad. While seeming to be covering both sides of the story by also quoting Odinga’s exact words repeating the phrase so much doesn’t help because that’s what is planted in peoples minds.

The press has been very vocal and often with misquotes of the two parties. The foreign mediators who may have a reputation that their wisdom has solved some problems somewhere go there with pride with what they may have learned in class (or pre-thought solutions) about what to say in such cases a case they do not really understand as the only information they have is probably what they have held from press. They go to Kibaki and suggest to Kibaki and suggests a government of national unity(GNU) a thing which Kibaki will obviously agree to (As this still puts him in power which he wants) and Odinga won’t. Odinga disagrees and that makes him bad because he doesn’t want a solution that the “wise” suggest. Odinga wanted a recount of the votes(Which is a fair solution). If Kibaki was confident he worn fairly he shouldn’t refuse a recount. There have been sayings that the announcement of votes in some areas wasn’t done transparently which makes Odinga doubt Kibaki’s winning. And this won’t go well with him until that doubt is removed. A wise mediator would pretend not to have heard anything the press is preaching and goes to investigate what really happened hear from both the two and bring them together let them talk. He referees letting the two agree on a solution. He should not suggest a solution. But if suggests a solution he does not go out unless the two agree to that solution. The problem comes from the press which would usually scratches on the healing words of the disagreement even when the two have reconciled. The mediator should make sure the press is clearly informed that the two have reconciled their differences before these two hear anything from the press again. And He shouldn’t shake hands and take pictures with one party before the other agrees to the solution as was depicted on the BBC. If he has failed to reconciled the too he should dust his feet and go silently. Shaking hands makes me feel like whoever the mediator was had already made up his mind he wants Kibaki should remain president. And having suggested a GNU which favours Kibaki, anyway, makes Kibaki feel justified in what he is doing to suppress protestors because the West whom most look at with high regard is backing him up(Still wants him to be president in suggesting a GNU). If the West kept itself out of this or just help by getting these two to talk and find a solution and not suggesting one it would turn better. A recount or revote is a better solution to me.

And the press, Please reduce too much talk.

Hello World!

My first post in the new year. BTW, Happy new year!
I have started on a busy note this year thats why i havent been able to find time and update my site.
There are some thoughts on stuff that's been happening that I wrote offline and I haven't found time to post on the internet. Though probably outdated I will still post them, probably some one would still find them useful.
I wrote something on the situation in Kenya just around the time the violence started.