I have been thinking why are services in Malawi so expensive? Is it really because they are expensive to provide?
No, I do not think so! An excuse would be: we have ignorant engineers. But the problem really is taking advantage of the fact that they are the only providers of those services. And if a potential competator comes in he does not come in to correct this problem he too comes and charges the same prices as already available service providers... so monopoly and no monopoly there is no difference.
Take a look at this contradiction:
I am subscribed to Celtel. I use two services Internet and SMS. I want to send a text messege to my girlfriend in Mzimba. Normal SMS I use $0.10. But I am subscribed to a free internet SMS service. I go to the site, login, type my message(All using my phone through WAP) send it. How have I used? $0.01
OK fine I am not saying the Celtel internet service is cheaper than normal probably somewhere else its cheaper that here in malawi. But SMS services this expensive?