Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yet another combinations algorithm

I have found this cool algorithm for calculating combinations(nCr). The conventional algorithm is like this

and this is O(n3). as calculating each of the factorials is at least O(n)
The following is my new algorithm that saves memory and also running time written in C++:

long int choose(int n,int r){
//double ensures that precession is preserved
//when dividing as int rounds up the dividend in C++

double num,den,comb=1;

if (n == 0 || n == r){
return 1;
for (i=0; i<r || i<(n-r) ; i++){
num = double(n-i);
den = double(i+1);
comb *= num/den;
return comb;

This is O(n) because of the for loop.