Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hear Oh, World!

Why do you bother us Malawians? We are not like you. We live simple
lives and we love one another.

It is wrong to test a law. In your hypocrisies you find it important
to legitimise a wrong you personally don't accept. A strong deliberate
blind eye to this unnatural relationship of a man and a man. Its not
for money for you politicians are already filthy rich. To you it comes
as a luxury. A deliberate slip. For what reason?

You put us Malawians, the people you claim to help, to test. You
expect us to smile to your bidding? I would ask this to you today: a
preacher preaches for the correction of the society why do you chose
to put the preacher in jail?

Whether psychologic, genetic whatever your "scientists" or
"psychologists" justify it is an abnormality. If you search long
enough, all sin is genetic(for we all sin because of the fall of Adam
and we die for this reason) but a person is still able to chose
between right and wrong. When he choses right he lives when he choses
wrong, it is said the wages of sin is death. God changes those who
have sort His help.

The government, however, does punish wrongs and God allows it to do
so. For it does not exist unless God allows.

You create laws to bar the preacher from correcting the wrongs in the
society and set free the wrongs. Why do you condemn the preacher for
homophobia and not the Sodomy offenders?

Wake up! You are humans! And there is the devil who wants death for
you; paralysing your minds over what seems to be freedoms but are
destructions of a society.

We Malawians are not happy that you have to put us through this. Your
money which you give us does not come with a clean heart. If I were
the President or Parliamentarian I would not accept such help from
you. All of you who have set this condition on us.

Label us not wrong for pointing out the wrong however rich you may be.

I remember Zimbabwe and What your Divided and Conquer strategies have
done to African Economies which you claim to want to help develop.
This infuriets me.

It is said, "Do repay not evil for evil." The President of Malawi has
not allowed this Evil in our land. But this world wants to Judge us
for labelling the wrong what it is. So because We can to forgive, we
have forgiven. What is it to you? Push us no further.

Accept The Challenge God Will Guide.