Friday, May 13, 2011

My Thesis:Some battles

I  wrote once that my thesis should have been about how I overcame but I had to write something academic.

Does faith and knowledge go together? Very much so. For it is also said, faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

Can knowledge alone save someone? God says, my people perish for lack of knowledge. And if they knew what the will of God is, God would not have sent His Son, for by doing the will of God, they world have been saved. But nobody knew and they did perish for the battles we fight on earth are indeed greater than us. We fight against beings greater than us and we overcome only by His help.

In Acts 17, Paul tells the curious Athenians that God has put us in places and times as we live in that we may seek him and find him. Though we live on earth all these things as we acquire on earth, we will leave behind, for we have somewhere better to be indeed. Why then do we go to school and learn things such as we learn? For knowledge is also important for our salvation and for that of others. For some of the things as we learn help us in overcoming some of the battles we face on earth. Thus I said, I fought something in 2001, all that I learned even through the masters degree I have obtained helped me overcome.

What is mental illness? A delusion it is. There are compartments of these delusions which exist for various reasons as a person meets in life and there is none so difficult that one cannot recover. All of them are healable. How possible? The truth shall set you free. For a delusion is but a lie. To understand the difference between the lie and the truth and believe the truth is the barrier that we fail to break free from mental illness and indeed any bondage or sin, to our salvation and to the healing of mental illness as well. Some lies are strong indeed like a blindness that fails us to see something that is as close as our noses can reach.

The course of cryptography teaches various principles of detecting the authenticity of a message or someone we are communicating with.

There are such principles as deniability, authenticity, and security. Deniability is where one does something and refuses to have done it. How can one make sure that who ever did this thing would not deny later to have done it? What proof? Such is a question cryptography tries to answer. How can one know that the person I am communicating with, is who he claims he is? In case he is not how can I still ensure I or the intended person is still safe from such communication? Such are authenticity problems cryptography tries to answer. How can a deluded person break free from delusion? It is easy with support of a community one lives in but not easy alone.

From where I have been, I should say, all the processes people have assumed to be a solution to mental illness are the same that lead to delusion. For if you tell someone that what he sees in front of him is blue not green, and you push it so hard on his mind to the point of punishing him if he believes otherwise, you find that person will consider to be green everything that is blue. And it does takes only one word to say, this person is mentally ill for a whole community to believe. And the new community takes over adding to his delusion in the same way.

A child is born without knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, what is blue or what is green. Teach a mentally ill person how to live. He will live and be normal. It takes love and patience. Some have treated the mentally ill as one would treat animals, as animals indeed they would behave. Treat them as any normal person, normal they will be. Treat them as children, like children the will be. Treat them with respect, respectable they will be. Such is life.

Lie to them, lies they will believe as anybody else person they would believe. Re-educate them what is and what is not, indeed they would be that. Protect them from lies.

I have spoken a lot of things on this blog. There are some truths the world seems to have forgotten so much that it was surprising to see that people don't know.

It's only because I had to relearn the truth of what is and what is not from all the delusion I learned from those who have thought to delude was the way to treat the mentally ill.

It might be surprising to some to really know today that I have really never been mentally ill. When you doctors say epileptic ceasure, such words as epilepsy are what guardians know. To you its a technical term that's far from mental illness, to the guardian its way too much into mental illness. I wonder who coined these words.

I was fasting for my brother who very sick at the time. And I fainted for lack of energy. And fainting passed through many mouths became epilepsy and epilepsy through many mouths, became mental illness and I watched the whole process of delusion overcame some but was helpless to save the believable evidence of what was going on and keep this evidence to redeem myself.

I regarded the circumstances in which I found myself at Mzuzu University doing this cryptography course and manage to go through only to discover that Mzuzu University had kept no record of my scholarship all along.

A work of God, I graduated with credit and some professor called me Dr. Hara after reviewing my thesis. I have always believed my thesis deserved a high grade than it got. It was one of the only two considered for publication. The other one being being of a girl who scored distinction. I have to send that manuscript.

By the way, I seem to owe Mzuzu University nothing, though I have asked so many times what I owe it for me to plan and seek repayment. I thank God for that. I still have no record of how much was paid though, nor does the accounts, though my sponsor seems to have paid a lot than he should have.

However for this discrepancy of their own, they seem to have told my sponsor something bad to an extent my sponsor does not in anyway want associate with me anymore and because of his disappointment, my professor as well being the one who sort the sponsorship, looks at me with a certain disregard. Who will believe a mentally ill person, they say. I cannot suffer for the wrongs I have not done.

If somebody says, Mzuzu University is bankrupt I would not doubt it. They disappointed a lot of sponsors. It's not easy to find people like Professor Davis who year after year, he would come with a little something more to support the university from sports to academics.

I guess they should really learn to live by their motto. Service, Self-reliance and Perfection. Otherwise, it an empty forgotten word for their students.

For its value, look at what Phwezi's motto has done me, accept the challenge, God will guide. It has taught me a faith that can move mountains. Given me a courage to write a thesis that an Italian Professor mistook me for a Phd. Graduate after reviewing my thesis. An area I didn't have clue!