Friday, February 13, 2015

Uwemi wa Hala

I had a friend when I was at Chancellor College. She was my friend from first year to fourth year and was still a friend when I got to Mzuzu University to do my Master of Science degree.
My friend, Rachel Chavula, whom I did not consider myself to be in a sexual relationship with though I did propose to her once while at Chancellor College, got Married to Chrispine Sibande.
They gave a name to their first born child, Uwemi Wa Hara. When I saw the name publicly shown, it occurred to me that the child might be the reason I have had a lot of conflicts with the members of family of Chrispine Sibande’s side.
The Ambiguity of the name, Uwemi Wa Hara, do in some sense mean that I might have left her a virgin. In some other sense, having your virgin friend of a long time such as I had been with Rachel Chavula, is utter stupidity. Therefore, Uwemi Wa Hara, might also have meant to did my honors to my long time friend in giving her a child before she got married. I do not consider this a good thing. Nor do I think I ever gave her a child, unless perhaps, I gave her a child subconsciously with amnesia so that I should not remember.
For all I know, I have never had sex with Rachel Chavula. This is utter stupidity to some but it is what I approve: to respect her virginity until marriage.
me & my girlfriend(2007-2009)
For the sake of my heartbreak, I should not have to pull my woman around where to go and not to go. If Rachel Chavula decided to marry Chrispine Sibande, then perhaps, Chrispine might have wanted me to have a child with Rachel, his virgin wife, but this is something I can not do for that would be a heart break to my girlfriend.

Whatever the name means, I am sure, its nothing to do with me.

Update (19th January 2016)

I have just seen this post today

I am sure it explains the meaning of the name given to the child who was born Uwemi to Rachel Chavula Sibande.
But I am not sure yet why I seem to be implicated in conflict with the Sibande concerning her.