Monday, August 17, 2009

Bangwe Saga: Scientific Proof and Application of the Law

Scientific Proof:
Ways of science are formalized ways of all sorts strategies we apply in everyday life.This has been done for the sake of achieving common goals and bringing in a better understanding in sharing of scientific findings.

Aren't we men? Aren't these way been extracted from our own ways so that the best/better ways learned from different situations have been put together formalized into scientific language and ways.

Bangwe - Experiment By Observation:
A Chicken is thrown in a river an accident happens. Another chicken is thrown an accident happens. No chicken no accident. It might have been this way for a long time and so people start to question for they have been observing these things. There is a relationship between throwing of chickens and the accidents that happen.

Further action:
They go to the police for so that the issue be investigated. The Police without looking at the facts reply we can't help you for this seems to be like witch craft and we don't have any provisions in our law(lacking scientific proof - what is science anyway? finding out the truth about something - the definition I have grown up with). The fact that they too have observed from whatever they have heard they conclude it is something to do with witchcraft this is more scientific evidence where they are now a control of the experiment being an independent observation based on the facts given. But they do not know any law to apply so they can't help.

Starting Point:
The actions are evidently breaching peace and inciting fear in this community. The fear is incited by these people coming now and then to drop chickens and lemons and maybe other things. And accidents have been happening on this place. We could have said they are disposing dead chickens. But then why lemons as well? And why so many different persons? Why on this same spot which happen to be a place where so many accidents are happening? Would we expect these people of Bangwe not to fear? Appeasing whatever causes these accidents so that the accidents stop happening? They should come out in the open then if they can't deal with it to do away with it so that in the public there might be somebody to help. Otherwise it might be that the act of throwing dead chickens themselves is causing accidents.

Comes a Mozambican who seemingly knows nothing about what's happening. His child is sick. He goes to this person asks for help(prayers?). This prayerful person says go throw lemons in the river your child will be healed. Mmmh! Suppose, and it seems to be true, when lemons are thrown in the river an accident must happen so that someone dies and this persons life or whatever, results in the other person getting well. Suppose these Siku people loved their child so much and were told they would get their son back to life if they throw a chicken on this place. So lemons for healing, chicken for rising from death. seems plausible.

Further Investigation:
Find the source. Where do these people who throw dead chickens come from? For they seem to have the same message common with them. Supposed they are questioned why they do these things. Suppose they tell who is sending them. Look out Police, catch every person who has thrown a chicken, or something in this place. Question them why they do this. Then this person could be then tried for murder for all the accidents that have happened. In the least, case breach of peace and inciting fear in this community. It might be that with this lookout these people may fear and stop sending people to throw chicken and lemons and other things and accidents might then stop happening. So either way a good thing has happened.

Scientific Conclusion(mine):
There is evidently a direct relationship between the throwing of chickens and accidents happening and someone getting better or rising from death. however process by which all this is happening has not been explained in physical terms yet. It seems quanta-physical for it is quantifiable.