Monday, August 10, 2009

Their Victory

"They overcame by the word of their testimony and the blood of the lamb."
It might be at the beginning they failed due to the fear of doing
wrong and losing their salvation. But their testimony of what God is
and what God has done for them must have encouraged them to step out
of the boat and walk on the water. Their only trust was God will help
them through as he had done in the previous experiences.
In the fear of doing wrong they did nothing when this fear was taken
away they did so many marvelous things that the gates of hell could
not hold them their break through was so mighty.
In the past whenever they wanted to do something great the devil made
them fear you will sin don't do it. So they stayed in their "cacoon"
What shall seperate us from the Love of God? Is it sin? For while we
were yet sinners Jesus died for us. His blood had already paid for all
our sins once and for all.
This is the blood of the lamb with which they overcame with. For when
their fear of sin was taken away they played like Man U does and they
did not find themselves in sin for their fruits were the fruits of
rightiousness and it was impossible for them to bear bad fruits. It is
just impossible. Their victory was mighty indeed for they were really