Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Equitable Idea for Implementing the Equitable Qouta System

They could use a greed algorithm: Start from Chitipa select best ten in Chitipa the Karonga, etc by the time they reach Mwanza I bet a person with 6 points in Nsanje won't find a place at the university. If it starts from Nsanje the government is really in big trouble considering the history. A round-robin algorithm seems optimal: at each level select at least one student from each district. If a district does not have a six point student it waits for its highest. The reasoning is: its not possible to have a district with the highiest without 6 credits(36points). This is using the pegion hole principle on thirty districts. And this round-robin algorithm harts increment for those districts which have already satisfied this to allow for others which haven't until each has 10 students. The harting is in the event that the required number of selected students is nearing 36points and other districts still have less. It is safe to hart it 36 for using the pegion hole principle, it is very probable to find well over than 10 students with 36 points.

The students district description shall not mean the ancestral district but the district of the school from which the student is selected. For accountability's sake, a school name and points of the students be broadcast as always has been the case. If a students points have or school name has been misrepresented there should be proper mechanisms for queries and follow ups.

I wonder if this hasn't been the case. I wonder why they could not think this already if it hasn't been the case.

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