Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here is a DANGEROUS Item: The Broken Atom

The current model of an Atom is of something ball like. The nucleus has a proton and an electron revolves around.

We were discussing science and religion the other day on facebook. That science is as good as the current knowledge the world has at a particular time in history. Unless more is revealed to it, the world
has no further knowledge. In the times of Galelio, Newton and the others, some knowledge was revealed among us about the reality of the natural sorroundings. Because God created everyone of us, it easy for him to reveal a certain knowledge set to anyone he choses. For instance, he did not reveal Jesus to the jews until an appointed time for the gentiles to know him first. There are stories of protestants, heretics, renegade christians and then there is science denying
religion all because the activities that occured within these ages.

It had been always known that the earth is flat. That was the scientific fact the world knew and there were proofs. When the Galelios knew more
theoretically even before it was proven with tangible evidence, the world regarded them as lunartics/heretics/renegade and prosecuted some
for denying the scientific evidence so prevalent even within the church.

(Funny thing is that the same desire for discovery of the concrete evidence that the earth is round, saw missionaries reaching all over
and it is in fact missionaries who discovered more than scientists. Their knowledge of the places also brought slave traders, of coarse.Lest we forget. More like: after Babel the devil had been limited in
his destruction. When the appointed time came, God wanted to spread His
knowledge world over and opened doors to it's unity. But evil found its way again. So it is with Globalisation. While good spreads so fast so does evil.)

It was very clear in our discussion on facebook how an atom could be something made out nothing. Take an atom as a representation of what is tangible in the eye. Looking at the masses of different matter, different quantities can be sub divided into smaller atomic quantities of which for same masses of the substance, there seem to be a fixed number of these atomic quantities. The average of the number was taken and this is called the Avogadro constant. This number is now used to
interpolate between the macro and the micro level of a substance. This is why mathematical calculations in chemistry tally with reality
because the interpolation is good.

Take atoms of oxygen put in a baloon. For the same quantity if heat up, the baloon expands. If cooled down the baloon contracts. But the number of atoms is fixed. What keeps the balloon ball-like is the movement of the atoms.

Why does radio active material have to be contained in special material without which they corrode everything they came in contact with? I could explain it in the model of a balloon. And this baloon at
atominc level. I believe(after having visualised but not had concrete proof) that there are hiearchies of substance even at atomic level
which are somethings made out of nothings: the protons/electrons/neutrons also more of like balloons of nothing or of somethings which has no substance in them. More
of like harnessing the wind or holding the wind in one's hand.

The protons/electrons/neutrons are, at atomic level, held in an envelop like(is it a field?) Which when broken, the contents spill out with some force. These in collission with other substances around, form dents. And the dents become holes which collapse within. This could explain the corrosion(why substances are eaten away), I think.

In this way, breaking the envelops of these sub-atomic elements becomes a dangerous thing in that different substances behave differently. For tin, it is known that in contact with the atmosphere
it reacts with some gases and forms a coat around itself and the corrosion is arrested. For tin like substances, it might be safer. With the collider recently built some substances might be broken without having been properly studied to contain their activity.

On the other hand the idea of a substance present at creation(Bing-Bang as they call it), somehow makes me think. Nobody likes to be in a
cage. Creation is in bondage because of the fall of adam. But here is the ultimate freedom all matter would have when the time comes.

To do a mass prison break of so many substances so jailed without destroying anything, one has to plan in detail and put containments in place otherwise risk destroy everything. To plan every detail it should really take a long time. Creation was done in six days. But this has taken thousands of years(or is its implementation?). There will be a trumpet, and our bodies shall transform. The old earth shall disappear and a new one shall come in it's place. That's the ultimate freedom for all creation. The
rapture. More like an inversion of matter which is currently in bondage.

At the moment creation growns, like in birth pangs, waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. The reveletion of the children of God brings salvation to creation with it.

There are many who have overcome the faithlessness of science and understood that the earth was created by God. If science had faith, it would have hope that the problems it sees have solutions for there is someone who was there even before the problem occured. As it is difficult to build a boat in the middle of the ocean but on land, it
is difficult for a human being to solve problems of the earth than He who is not of the earth. For He created the world, he knows the detail of each problem and the best solution to it. He reveals these things to His people.

Knowledge is good. Proverbs advises seek it. In seeking it, many have found him who is truth. They have learned about
the creator of the things they study. Many rejoice in discovery. Others are hopeless in the things they discover for they find no solution to them. For they see the evidence of a creator and they deny it. In denial of his existance they are deprived of a hope they would have to overcome the fear of the possible.

Take heart though. There is nothing impossible with God. So Jesus says about the rich young man. He must have seen the man having been helped to
salvation when he said this. If He changes Paul a persecutor of the church, who can He not change?

Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Accept The Challenge God Will Guide.