Most computers especially Windows XP come with this version pre-installed. For non-technical people, this is no problem at all. But to developers it is. A web developer spends so much time to make sure his website looks the same in all web browsers. If there are 5 browsers, that is supposed to be 5 times the work he is supposed to do. Other browsers have move on to create standard compliant browsers. Even Microsoft wants to move on. This is why they have updates IE7 and IE8. Which are now standard complient. Even though the work of programmers is still a little tough looking at differences in rendering engines, it much better than the pain IE6 causes.
Updates are available but IE6 is still around what's wrong. When IE7 was coming on there was a requirement for a genuine OS to run it. This put out most of the users from upgrading. For countries like Malawi, IT professional would really find it difficult to get their own copy of OS(Is there one available? I am looking for one with unlimited installations that would be cheaper for me). The OEM versions required activation by phone which is a little expensive for me and most of IT professionals and technicians who do most of the maintainance in our companies. This really drove back IT people to opt for cracked versions of the operating system which could lock up with IE7 update. So what's the need for an update if it takes a way what you can at least use to get the job done? You only want to check mail, do some spreadsheets write documents and occassional presentations and print. For a user, the update is useless. But who gets hurt?
The developer has developed a very good website to impress his customers. He has tested on most browsers it works but has forgotten that most bosses are still using IE6. And they test it, it is broken all over. Sometimes it is not really his problem. Maybe he has used a reputable web development frameworks which make work easier but all developers are now tired of having to work for IE6 as well for it is a pain. Even reputable frameworks have decided to move on without IE6. It becomes a problem still for the user of the framework for he is now the one losing the moneys for a good work he has done with so much effort.
How do we resolve this? It is supposed to be a collective work at different levels from Microsoft itself to the Windows User to the Framework developers the developers and technicians. As long as OEM still have glitches installing, as long as there are no OS with unlimited licences, as long as they don't follow standards, problems of piracy, breakdowns like IE still remain. They got billions already its time they became a little peaceful with their customers. Generousity is also good. Not all technicians are aware of the recovery partition some wipe it clean with a pirated version. How do technicians operate when most available software are restricted to one or at most 3 installations? This includes anti-viruses.
With OS issue resolved the work of the system administrator is easier. He can now update to newer software versions without glitches. Then the Web developers is happy.
Microsoft can help developers by providing a mechanism to prompt the user to update. Macromedia had flash player, adobe has acrobat reader, microsoft has silverlight, it can also have IE6 update. Though dialup users would still be at a disadvantage. (And yes, there still exist something called dial-up and it becomes very convinient than broadband at times)
In most cases, the system administrator has problems convincing management to buy an OS, and other software. Looking at the expense and the available usable, it is seen as a luxury for the management. Because the management is always busy, it becomes difficult for the sys admin to convince them. So because the sys admin also has a job to keep he also goes for the available usable. He could buy a personal genuine but what's then need when he can use it for only one computer and its useless. He would rather crack himself one and save himself some bread and milk for his family at home. The boss doesn't care why should he? He would have trouble explaining to his wife what he has done with his salary if he bought a genuine antivirus for the company. What the heck!
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone