Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lest We Cry Foul: YDEF Situation

It has come to my attention with already HOT hearts of outstanding
misunderstandings that a situation is developing that if added to this
pain might turn very volatile.

In Mzimba, the YDEF forms are non-partisanly being distributed. But
not always available. The Forms should have been available at the
District Youth Office or Mardef Office. It had been decided that all
forms be distributed through Mardef Office. But it seems the officer
has been ill for the most while. The main office in Mzuzu is aware,
all the related officers are aware and the MP Mr Akimu Mwanza, who is
also against Quota System, is also aware. But no replacement has been
made. The alternative would have been to return the forms to District
Youth Office who were also given the same task of form distribution
previously. For atleast at DYO, there is someone who can distribute
and there is someone(a volunteer even) who can explain what to do and
unlike the Mardef Office, the DYO seem to be more knowledgiable about
the loans. Currently an Officer has to come from Jenda to distribute
forms in Mzimba Boma.

Why do I say this? These actions might be in place to act as bridges a
very serious person has to cross. But it might be also a deliberate
calculated move to be used as a political weapon.

So lest we cry foul. Let this post be a witness.

With this I am wondering what is the situation like in other districts
and regions?