I thought for a while about todays loss. In my confidence, I spoke.
Its only a holiday. At the thought of a company boss giving this
holiday to his employees. I felt him think: are we going to eat
football? The question of eating caught me. I had thought of not
eating but I decided to go on and eat today. For I asked in my heart
without rain are we going to eat? So today I ate and did not go on
praying. For rain meant my unhappiness for the nation but now I should
eat for maybe indeed God will keep His anger and they might be no food
Support is the only thing that was missing in our players which for
some reason there seem to be no Malawian in Angola. One loss can bring
so much defeat without external confidence which Malawians did not
have. I will speak on the labour laws which the companies manupulate
to favour only themselves.
In 2008, I almost lost my job because on 1st October 2008 fulfilled
the first year together with her. The only woman who has been kind and
has been by my side always and especially in times everybody
disregarded me. When I remembered the pain I have experienced seeking
love I cried and this woman comforted me it was a day of rejoicing not
crying again. When I was left out to a conference trip unjustly in the
pain and distress I would not have managed to do my thesis. This woman
turned my eyes to look at what I have. Am I being unrealistic? For how
long can one stand on one foot? At this moment, the bestest friend
inflicted the worst pain. I feel like I am in big sin today against
her having prioritised the nation.
My company required me to be at office on a holiday which happened to
be special to me: if the company feels justified to fire me for not
working on a holiday, I would rather not work for anybody. For a whole
month I was not paid over this issue. I had been patient but I felt
the same patience would block my access to heaven, for if it works
only one side(the labour laws favouring the company more than the
employee) it becomes a burden on the employee and becomes bitterness
on the employee. Even if they loved their job, the don't do a good job
anymore. Who wants to do a good thing for a slave driver? They would
rather have him died so they could be free. Chilembwe, a man of God,
our Hero.
I will speak for the sake of Malawi. How do they distroy these
countries with good economies? I am looking at Zimbabwe, Malawi,
China, Iraq, Nigeria, etc. For Malawi, they said, they want a little
freedom, freedom they did give but it was also freedom to do bad then
they said, lets now dig up the evil they have done, a lot of
corruption they did find. A little good idea here and there they are
now the wise, the wise become the caretaker, the caretake gives
handouts(they even give handouts for people to sin as well - how can
God create a homosexial and punish them for being a homosexial? God
did not create homosexials. God created them Male and Female in His
own image. He also saw that it was not good for man to be alone
created woman for him. Because they did not listen to Him he gave them
over to the pervese mind they wanted: some became homosexial in their
perversion ena anatong'ola nawo maso).
In thankfulness to the caretaker people enslave themselves. When time
comes, the caretaker thinks in his heart I will pull of the plug and
all these people will do what I want them to do.
We have a hunger looming over Malawi. Its not all parts of the nation
having this problem. His excellency might have plans to share our
harvest with others outside Malawi but this time each country should
cultivate their own crop the only thing to share is ideas not food.
For indeed the slave driver is pulling of his trigger evident from the
problems funding the budget. I would love it if Malawi does not depend
on subsidies for this is another kind of slavely. If we don't have
money for fertilizer we have at least manure which is absolutely free
and a much better solution than fertilizer. Where is ARET where is
ACHIKUMBE magazines? Where are all those model farmers we have always
seen along the M1?
We eat cooked maize cobs roasted maize cobs throughout the year this
too is food that can be preserved to fill up the coffers that might
have been depleated.
The education we spent so much on, would have helped so much and
without limit if we encouraged each other; If the employee were given
good conditions in doing the job they love, the job done would have
benefited every other malawian even those not working. In denying the
employees holidays, we create unhappy employees. Unhappy employees do
the worst job than employees on leave. I believe 15 days leave a year
is not enough. I love google they give their employees one day off a
week to do their personal work. And this is apart from saturday and
sunday which are naturally holidays.
I will now educate the ministry of education textbook ideas on plannig
an education for the country: simple architecture, history, statistics
to plan on educating a nation.
Planning a school: how many students do we need on this school? x
students. How many teachers? Suppose student teacher ratio is a:b. We
need (x/a)b teachers. Plan a school to hold x students, hostels to
accomodate x students. Build houses to accommodate (x/a)b teachers. To
refine the plan: let's dig up our previous experiences to come up with
x. Is a:b really an optimal ratio? History answers most of those
questions from the trends. Statistics comes in to quantify historical
trends for proper planning. This by the study of the population growth
of areas in which to build schools.
How about the headmaster? He is like a father taking care of his
teachers: he has y teachers but he needs z more. Finds good
accomodation for his teachers and his students, of course. Are the
extra z teachers I need going to find good accomodation? If there is
non, he could arrange some to be rented of course. The community love
him for he helps their children get education. A teacher hunting on
her own will take the whole year hunting without finding one. A
headmaster can easily mobilise a community he so much knows by this
time and will find hundreds of houses available of all kind just for
one teacher to chose from. For the teacher is also a precious
commodity to the community. Seeking on her she doesn't find the house
for they do not know her as the respectable person she is. But if the
headmaster they know introduces are they will protect her day and
night every footsteps she takes. She is that precious.
Zain sends a text message now the game is gone and no internet
connection when the game was on. I had to use twitter to support my
team when I could have used facebook. The sms gives me link for me to
follow soccer results. An insult of sort considering?
Malawi played well and the players have really done the very best they
can. They needed support. Support from us who always they win but
insult them when lose. With the weight of nation on their shoulders,
the fear of torment of the insult for losing, the fear that their
first win might have been false indication of their improvement, the
fear of Mali's performance with Angola, the beginning of the game, the
confirmation of their fears, the lack of external support to build on.
Its time for supporters to play their part of the game for players
have. Football is not only players its also supporters.
Accept The Challenge God Will Guide.