Single, 28 years old. And looking for marriage. Previously, disappointed by fiancee, and family is not making things easier. The place I live in Mzimba, I am surrounded by MSCE school leavers whom parents wish to push forward to get their degrees. At the end of the first degree, the parents of my fiancee pushed her to get a graduate degree. I had just finished my graduate degree then. So, we did not end up married up to this day. And I am surrounded by temptation.
Does not Paul advise Corinthians that it is better to get married than burn with passions? I am a Christian. Getting married in church has better safety for me than anything else. Marriage is what have been asked to wait for abstaining from sex in avoidance of HIV, marriage is what I have been advised as my gateway to sexual fulfillment.
Hebrews 13:4 does say, marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled. But how shall I get married if parents cling to their children? How shall I get married if churches don't open doors for me to get married?
Considering teenage pregnancies, it used to custom then if a boy has made pregnant a girl, the boy will have to marry the girl. These days, this does not get you a wife. The girl will be allowed by their parents to abort and you still don't have a wife, but you can eventually get hiv for you don't know how many babies your girl has aborted trying to get married and parents resisting.
Oh, yeah condoms. How many sexual partners? How many sexual partners for my sexual fulfillment? How many sexual partners for my sexual fulfillment?
Condoms is an easier idea, governments can think of? What about marriage?
Being C.E.O. of my own company at such an age, is more than enough gate pass for me to getting laid. But suppose, I just get laid without a permanent basis of marriage, shall I expect to use condoms the rest of my life? For yeah! one accidental day I might get tired, and throw it away.
Somebody said, sweet ya m'pepala siyimakoma. I know shall at one time say the same condomizing the rest of my life. Even hiv I shall cease to fear. For if life does not get you the happiness of marriage its better off lived even on a count down of hiv living it down happily. The world ending anyway but that will definitely get me a closed door into heaven.
Maybe its time I considered celibacy but by the time I reach forty, I shall be anyone's sugar daddy even if my intentions are legitimate. Better, I still try to get married. For I do not know how long I can stand temptation. There are many possibilities of accidental afternoons.
I shall consider going to some city place were graduated ladies like residing. And especially to my marriage tolerant sister. I am sure there is a lady waiting there. I shall ask her for marriage.
I remember, my cousin had to get herself a patched up wedding: officiated by an Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor, during a CCAP Church Service and Reception in a Roman Catholic Hall. It was a classic.
Considering the difficulty of getting married, sometimes its like when you have a chance to get married, don't miss it. Things are not ok at all!
You live this long expecting the praying community who have been advising you well and you have faithfully pursued their advise and now comes the time it feels like great betrayal if you have to go against these principles again by trying to secure a marriage with a pregnancy.
I left my android playing some music and I woke up to a song by my brother William (X-K)
It's Ok, if its not alright, wipe your tears babe don't cry. It's Ok, if its not alright, don't give up if you know you can try.
It's Ok, because its not alright. There is no reason to cry. Things are not ok its not our fault. It's a broken society.
I must go to my marriage tolerant sister in Mzuzu. I might get some help.